[soc.culture.japan] FTP Available for Kahaner Reports

rick@cs.arizona.edu (Rick Schlichting) (10/02/90)

Back issues of the reports on Japanese computing by Dr. David Kahaner
are now available by anonymous FTP from host cs.arizona.edu.  The reports
can be found in directory "japan/kahaner.reports,"  which also contains
an INDEX file summarizing each report.  (That information is also appended 

To help keep track of demand, we would appreciate it if you would send an 
email note to rick@cs.arizona.edu upon retrieving a report.

Rick Schlichting, Associate Professor           (rick@cs.arizona.edu) 
Dept of Computer Science,  The University of Arizona


     The tenth meeting of Software Symposium, held in Kyoto Japan 6-8 
     June 1990 is briefly summarized. The most interesting aspects were 
     discussions by the Chinese of their national project.  

    Commercialization of PAX by Anritsu Corporation.

     The Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute (ATR) 

     Proceedings of 34th annual Conference of Institute of Systems, 
     Control and Information Engineers. The papers cover topics in 
     optical computing, neural computing, fuzzy logic, control theory, 
     robotics, parallel computing, vision, knowledge engineering, 
     imaging, feature extraction, probability, communications networks, 
     etc., as well as applications to car location, fish school size 
     estimates, mathematical programming, factory automation and many 

     This report illustrates the breadth of applications and research 
     areas of a "service bureau" organization, Century Research 
     Corporation (CRC), Tokyo.

      Bulletin Board for DATAFLOW computing information from ETL.

     A visit to the Data Flow project at ETL is summarized. The Dataflow 
     SIGMA-1 computer project is ending. The new project EM-4, will have 
     1,024 processors and is designed to have less overhead. EM-4 was 
     originally proposed for symbolic rather than numeric computation, 
     but the designers now feel that with the inclusion of floating point 
     hardware it will also be used for numerical computation. Currently 
     an 80 processor version of EM-4 is running at 997 MIPs.  

     Announcement of report by T. Kurozumi on ICOT Fifth Generation 
     Computer Systems Project.  

     A summary of "1990 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation"  9-13 
     July in Kyoto, Japan is given. Plant visits to IBM's 3090 
     manufacturing plant, Sumitomo Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, 
     and Matshushita Electric are described.  

    Fujitsu's 3D movie generated partially via CAP 256 parallel computer.

     A survey of recent  developments  is  given,  with  particular 
     emphasis on Japanese contributions.  

     The major topics at the Conference of the Achievements of the 
     National R & D Program "High-Speed Computing System for Scientific 
     and Technological Uses", held 21 June 1990, at the Electrotechnical 
     Laboratory in Tsukuba Japan are summarized.  

     Hitachi's research plan for the 1990's and computer related research 
     in the company's research laboratories are summarized. At the 
     Advanced Research Laboratory, the long term view is explicitly 
     manifest in the General Manager's office and also evident in the 
     researchers plans.  

     The IBM Tokyo Numerically Intensive Computation Center is reviewed.  
     This center mainly supports users who wish to develop vectorized 
     versions of programs on IBM's 3090 VF computers. The Tokyo Research 
     Laboratory performs longer term research in computer science, 
     mathematics, graphics, and languages.  

     Papers presented at the joint Japanese Institute of Electronics, 
     Information and Communications Engineers (IEICE) and the Japanese 
     Information Processing Society meeting, July 18-20 1990 on parallel 

     Announcement of meeting to be held in Tokyo early October 1990.

     The International Symposium on Computational Mathematics Matsuyama 
     (Shikoku Island) 30 August--4 September 1990 is summarized, with 
     special emphasis on the contributions from Japanese and Chinese 
     researchers. Visits by Kelley to Kyushu University, Kyoto 
     University, and the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, with 
     special emphasis on optimization research, are described.  

    Papers on ISDN (Integrated Service Digital Network).

     List of Supercomputers in Japan. 

      Availability of two Japanese reports, Visions from MITI, Trends from 

     A brief outline of Japanese Government ministries and agencies is 
     shown with an emphasis of those that support science and technology.  
     Several major projects related to computing are described.  

     Update to japgovt [21 June 1990] on Japanese governmental structure.

     A proposed new MITI national project "New Information Processing 
     Technology" (NIPT) merging soft information processing with massive 
     parallelism is described. The proposed project is also compared to 
     related work in other countries. I am told that the project, in some 
     form, has a good chance of being supported in the near future.  

     A new English journal from NTT is described.

    Computer Modeling in the Construction Industry--
    Ohbayashi Corporation's Research Lab

      Optical computing activities in Japan are surveyed.

     The PAX parallel processing project developed at the University of 
     Tsukuba by T. Hoshino is summarized. PAX is a two dimensional array 
     of processors which operate in MIMD form. QCDPAX has a fast floating 
     point unit, specially programmed for QCD calculations.  Peak 
     performance is 12.5 Gigaflops.  

     Titles of papers presented at Information Processing Society of 
     Japan Symposium on Parallel Processing '90, 17-19 May 1990.  

     Announcement of Pacific Rim International Conference on AI, Nagoya 
     14-16  November 1990.  

     The Second International Workshop on Software Quality Improvement
     was held in Kyoto, Japan, from 22-24 January 1990. The workshop was
     jointly organized by Professor Torii (Osaka University) and
     Professor Basili (University of Maryland). The workshop is
     summarized from the perspective of a numerical analyst. The major
     conclusions are that some Japanese companies are better at managing
     the software development process than comparable U.S. companies and
     that more interaction is needed between numerical and nonnumerical
     software developers.

     Supercomputing Japan 90, 27-29 March 1990, Tokyo, Japan, and visit 
     to NEC to see SX/3 supercomputer.  

     The First International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear
     Applications (SNA90) was held from 12-15 March 1990 in Mito City,
     Japan.  This paper summarizes the significant presentations and
     vendor exhibits associated with Japanese software and hardware.

     DEQSOL and ELLPACK : Two Problem Solving Environments For Partial 
     Differential Equations are compared. By R. Boisvert and D.  Kahaner.  

     An overview of Sony's Computer Science Laboratory (CSL) is given.  
     CSL specializes in research on object-oriented programming and 
     distributed operating systems.  

    Summary of the report, Researches of the Electrotechnical Laboratory, 
    Number 905, December 1989.  "Studies on a Vocal Tract Model for 
    Speech Synthesis and Analysis" (126 pages including 124 item 
    bibliography) by
                       Hiroshi Ohmura 
                       Speech Processing Section
                       Machine Understanding Division
                       Electrotechnical Laboratory

     We review research at Toshiba in vectorizing the circuit simulation 
     program SPICE, and research at NEC at building a special purpose 
     multiprocessor for circuit simulation modeling.  

     Sale of SX-3 to National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) of Holland

     Text of paper by H. Takagi (Matshshita Electric), "Fusion Technology 
     of Fuzzy Theory and Neural Networks - Survey and Future Directions" 
     containing more than 90 references, many not known outside Japan.  

     Accompanying Professor Gene Golub, Computer Science Department,
     Stanford University to Institute of Statistical Mathematics, PAX
     computer project at University of Tsukuba, IBM's Tokyo Research
     Laboratory, Kyoto University's Research Institute for Mathematical
     Sciences, and Ryukoku University.

    (1) Trip report 20-24 Feb 1990, Hiroshima and Ehime Universities
    (2) Brief reports:
                 9 Feb, Quantum Magneto Flux Project
                13-14 Feb, UTokyo
                15 Feb, Hitachi Central Research Lab
                26 Feb, Nat Res Lab Metrology, Tsukuba
                 1 Mar, Parallel computing meeting, Keio University

     This report describes the 4th ISR Supercomputing Workshop: The Road 
     to Parallel Applications, held from August 29 to 31, 1990 in Hakone, 
     Japan.  In addition, some observations on the trends and 
     characteristics of parallel supercomputing research in Japan are 

    Report by H. Yoshihara on Japanese Supercomputer Performance on 
    specific computational fluid dynamics benchmark program and 
    comparison with Cray.