nmm2@quads.uchicago.edu (nathaniel marinus mccully) (04/28/91)
I am trying to compile a list of available Japanese-related CD-ROM dictionaries. If you know of any, please let me know. For example, the KOJIEN is available in Japan for Y7,500, but I don't know where or how to get it. I am also interested in who publishes these, and since most are in ISO standard format, I would like to know where to get the DA that will read such CD's on the Macintosh. So, if anyone knows, please tell me the name, publisher, price, and where to get it in Japan, and well as what machine it was made for (e.g. Sony Data Diskman, or what). I will summarize upon request. Thank you very much! -- !!\\ !! !!\\ //!! Dept. of EALC !! \\ !! !! \ / !! Univ. of Chicago !! \\ !! !! v !! c/o SHINNOSUKE !! \\!! AT !! !! cCULLY ===> nmm2@midway.uchicago.edu