[soc.culture.japan] Writing a Japanese word processor

stephenc@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu (Stephen Chung) (04/28/91)

Hi NetLanders,

I have been using a shareware Japanese word processor called MOKE,
written by Mike Edwards I believe.  Although it is adequate, there
are a lot of things to be desired.  So, I am planning to write a
Japanese *word processor*.  It is going to be freeware -- I have
been using enough shareware without registering to feel guilty
about it.  It is also not going to be crippled (I hate crippleware).
I plan to make it a full-blown word processor, with margin controls,
indents, etc. instead of just a text editor like MOKE.  Now, I know
there are millions of good Japanese word processors around (even
Japanese Pagemaker).  But, this is going to be one of the only few
that are free and that you can use without paying $$$.

Before I start, I would like to hear from interested parties what
they want in a Japanese word processor.  What kind of features they
consider essential and useful.  Remember that I have only been using
MOKE (being a poor student), and so I am not too familiar with other
Japanese word processors.

I realize that one of the major obstacle slowing down Japanese
typing in many word processors is that we always have to choose from
thirty million kanjis for some hiragana's.  I intend to put in
some form of artificial intelligence ;-) [ probably a simple neural
network or something ] in the word processor, so it will sort of
understand your preferences as to word choice and default to the
choice that you use the most.  Also, the choice between kanjis and
hiragana's depend heavily on the taste of the writer.  I intend
to have the program *learn* each author's taste, and automatically
decide whether to convert certain hiragana phrases into kanjis.  This
way, a person can type in an entire sentence in romaji and have the
word processor automatically convert that sentence into the
appropriate mix of hiragana's and kanjis.

If I have enough time, or some volunteers, I may even add in a
*free* Japanese-English and English-Japanese dictionary.

So, anyone of you who uses Japanese word processors, drop me a note
about the things that you like best.  Those who are interested in
a free Japanese word processor send me mail about what features
you want.  Thanks a lot.

- Stephen