(John Burant) (10/22/89)
I'm looking for Pascal and BASIC compilers and interpreters anyone out there has that can be run a SCO UNIX/386. I've heard of something called pax, but have never used it, and can't access it. Does anyone know anything about it? Can you critique it? I also know about pbasic... Is this free or does it cost money? If it doesn't cost, does anybody know where I can get it? Also, I have one (1) question: If I were to find something like this, would I be able to put it in my directory and run it myself, and would I have to get the sysadm to install it, etc. (because I've never done this type of thing before) (I know of pc, but that costs lotsa $$$) Thanks. John C. Burant Glendale, WI
mvadh@cbnews.ATT.COM (andrew.d.hay) (10/23/89)
In article <> (John Burant) writes:
"I've heard of something called pax, but have never used it, and can't
"access it. Does anyone know anything about it? Can you critique it?
pax is a superset of cpio & tar. it also includes a few other useful
bells & whistles. can't critique it; haven't used it.
Andrew Hay +------------------------------------------------------+
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AT&T-BL Ward Hill MA | OCTOBER IS NATIONAL SKEET MONTH | +------------------------------------------------------+