[unix-pc.sources] ## need interactive SPELL checker source

gr-ssa@cscraz.ncsu.edu (Shahrooz S. Alavi) (05/27/90)

	I would like to get some type of interactive spell checker program.
	similar to ispell(?) on the 3B1 (unixpc-7300). (I used to have 
	a 7300, but no more)

	I think the name "interactive" pretty much describes what the
	software does.  It more or less shows the document and spelling
	errors and prompts for corrective action and giving you
	possible spelling options.

	The target machine is going to be PS/2 running AIX1.2.
	I think AIX has most features of Unix SysV 3.? and BSD4.? (!!)
	So I can try a source that runs on either.

	Thanks X 1,000,000.00
	S. Alavi   (919) 467-7909

thad@cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) (05/29/90)

gr-ssa@cscraz.ncsu.edu (Shahrooz S. Alavi) in
<1990May27.134158.18507@ncsuvx.ncsu.edu> writes:

	I would like to get some type of interactive spell checker program.
	similar to ispell(?) on the 3B1 (unixpc-7300). (I used to have 
	a 7300, but no more)

	I think the name "interactive" pretty much describes what the
	software does.  It more or less shows the document and spelling
	errors and prompts for corrective action and giving you
	possible spelling options.

	The target machine is going to be PS/2 running AIX1.2.
	I think AIX has most features of Unix SysV 3.? and BSD4.? (!!)
	So I can try a source that runs on either.

With NO intention of starting a "religious war" (i.e. MY editor is better
than YOUR editor, nyah, nyah! :-)  may I suggest GNU Emacs?

Its realtime spelling checker is superb, and it (GNU Emacs) has been ported
to AIX.

Thad Floryan [ thad@cup.portal.com (OR) ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad ]

gr-ssa@cscraz.ncsu.edu (Shahrooz S. Alavi) (06/01/90)

In article <30278@cup.portal.com> thad@cup.portal.com (Thad P Floryan) writes:
>With NO intention of starting a "religious war" (i.e. MY editor is better
>than YOUR editor, nyah, nyah! :-)  may I suggest GNU Emacs?
>Its realtime spelling checker is superb, and it (GNU Emacs) has been ported
>to AIX.
>Thad Floryan [ thad@cup.portal.com (OR) ..!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!thad ]

	Yes, but that would require me to learn emacs! Not to say that 
	it is not something usefull to do, just dont have the time.

	I got vspell and it compiled on AIX.

	S. Alavi   (919) 467-7909