rcojh@gecko.rmit.oz (John Hulskamp) (06/15/88)
PROGRAMME OUTLINE FOR TRANSPUTER AND OCCAM USER GROUP CONFERENCE For further information about this Conference, contact John Hulskamp Department of Communication and Electrical Engineering Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology G.P.O. Box 2476V MELBOURNE 3001 AUSTRALIA Tel: (03) 660-2453; (03) 660-2090 ACS-net: rcojh@gecko.rmit.oz AUSTRALIAN TRANSPUTER AND OCCAM USER GROUP CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION 23 & 24 JUNE 1988 GLASSHOUSE THEATRE ROYAL MELBOURNE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 124 La Trobe Street MELBOURNE 3000 AUSTRALIA PROGRAMME OUTLINE THURSDAY 23 JUNE 1988 9.00 9.30 Registration 9.30 10.00 Welcome Opening Speaker:Dr John O'Callaghan C.S.I.R.O. Division of Information Technology 10.00 10.30 Computer Architecture Project G.K.Egan, D.Abramson* Department of Communication and Electrical Engineering G.P.O. Box 2476V MELBOURNE 3001 *C.S.I.R.O. Division of Information Technology AN OVERVIEW OF THE RMIT/CSIRO PARALLEL SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE PROJECT 10.30 11.00 Morning Tea 11.00 11.30 INMOS Perspectives (1) Mr Tony Dent INMOS Japan K.K. 4th floor, No. 1 Kowa Bldg 11-41 Akasaka 1-chome Minato-ku TOKYO 107 JAPAN 11.30 12.00 Applications Paul D. Coddington Concurrent Computation Group Department of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton SOUTHAMPTON SO9 5NH UNITED KINGDOM THE APPLICATION OF TRANSPUTER ARRAYS TO SCIENTIFIC PROBLEMS 12.00 12.30 Applications T. Bossomaier, R.Brent Computer Sciences Laboratory Australian National University P.O. Box 4 CANBERRA 2601 MATRIX DIAGONALISATION BY TRANSPUTERS 12.30 2.00 Lunch 2.00 2.30 Networks E.Wong, J. Asenstorfer, I.Morrison School of Electronic Engineering South Australian Institute of Technology P.O. Box 1, INGLE FARM 5098 A DIGITAL MODEM/CODEC TESTBED USING A TRANSPUTER NETWORK 2.30 3.00 Networks X.Deng, T.Dillon, K.Lew, J.Rankin, D.Suter, E.R.Smith Department of Computer Science, La Trobe University, BUNDOORA 3083 OPTIMAL TOPOLOGIES OF TRANSPUTERS FOR DIFFERENT CLASSES OF PROBLEMS X.Deng, K.Lew, T.Dillon Department of Computer Science, La Trobe University, BUNDOORA 3083 A DYNAMICALLY RECONFIGURABLE TRANSPUTER BASED ARCHITECTURE 3.00 3.30 Networks D.Suter, X.Deng Department of Computer Science, La Trobe University, BUNDOORA 3083 NEURAL NET SIMULATION ON TRANSPUTERS 3.30 4.00 Afternoon Tea 4.00 4.30 Applications J.L. Jacquemin Center de Recherche en Informatique de Montpellier 860 rue de Saint Priest, 34100 MONTPELLIER, FRANCE SALOME: A TRANSPUTER-BASED SOFTWARE IN MOLECULAR MECHANICS 4.30 5.00 Applications D.Purnell, I.Graham Department of Computer Science University of Waikato Private Bag HAMILTON NEW ZEALAND A TRANSPUTER SYSTEM FOR NUMERICAL WEATHER PREDICTION 7.00 11.30 CONFERENCE DINNER FRIDAY 24 JUNE 1988 9.30 10.00 INMOS Perspectives (2) Rob Hellstrom Hawk Electronics Pty Ltd 203-233 New South Head Road EDGECLIFF 2027 10.00 10.30 Applications P. Harding Graphics Computer Systems 1st Floor, 582 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE 3004 AN OVERVIEW OF THE NICHE TECHNOLOGY LTD TRANSPUTER-BASED PARALLEL PROCESSING PLATFORM 10.30 11.00 Morning Tea 11.00 11.30 Applications S.Hopkins, G.Michaelson, A.Wallace Department of Computer Science Heriot-Watt University 79 Grassmarket EDINBURGH EH1 2HJ, U.K. FUNCTIONAL AND IMPERATIVE APPROACHES TO A PARALLEL VISION ALGORITHM 11.30 12.00 Applications O.Y. de Vel, V.K. Murthy, P.G. Thomas Department of Computer Science University of Waikato Private Bag HAMILTON NEW ZEALAND A PYRAMIDAL ARCHITECTURE FOR PARALLEL MULTIVARIABLE INTERPOLATION AND ITS OCCAM IMPLEMENTATION 12.00 12.30 Applications I.Graham, P.G.Thomas Department of Computer Science University of Waikato Private Bag HAMILTON NEW ZEALAND SOFTWARE TOOLS FOR TRANSPUTER IMAGE PROCESSING 12.30 2.00 Lunch 2.00 2.30 Applications C.J. Fidge Department of Computer Science Australian National University G.P.O. Box 4 CANBERRA 2601 GLOBAL TIME IN OCCAM 2.30 3.00 Applications M.Gregory, J.P. Hulskamp Department of Communication and Electrical Engineering G.P.O. Box 2476V MELBOURNE 3001 FAST WAVEFORM VECTOR QUANTISATION USING DYNAMIC CODEBOOK SYSTOLIC ENCODERS AND ITS OCCAM IMPLEMENTATION 3.00 3.30 Aplications T. Bossomaier, W.Heath Research School of Physical Sciences Australian National University P.O. Box 4 CANBERRA 2601 TRANSPUTER NETWORK MONITOR 3.30 4.00 Afternoon Tea 4.00 4.30 PANEL DISCUSSION: FUTURE DIRECTIONS 4.30 5.00 Conference Close *INMOS, IMS and occam are trademarks of the INMOS Group of Companies