[aus.general] Info on DBMS/Xenix

pcng@cad.jmrc.eecs.unsw.oz (Also known as Andrew) (11/02/88)

	I am currently helping a friend to look for a good database package for
use in commercial applications under multi-user environment. It would be nice if
it supports entity-relationship model and can import data from plain text file
with fixed number of fields (just want try to be able to import data from the
existing database he constructed). The machine is a 386AT and is running SCO
Xenix. The package have to be able to generate standalone programs to run jobs
non-interactively (or in batch, asynchronous mode), good interaction or
interface to Xenix commands and files. Other features like form-based data
entry, form editor, report generators, technical supports, performance,
data compression, audit trails, etc.

	Because the database is distributed across a number of machines,
application programs on one machine not only be able to update the local
database instantly, but also have to be able to create instruction or control
files so that when these files are sent to other machines, they can be picked
by other standalone application programs to carry out the specified jobs.
For example, if I substract 10 items from the local stock database, then apart
from updating the stock data in the local database, I would also like to
update the data in the central stock database some time later to ensure that
common data in both databases are consistent after both updates. Here is a
rough picture to demonstrate this:-

             Machine A (now)		         Machine B (some time later)
					 |			     Central
					 |			    Database
					 |				^
   +-----------+	  *************	 |				|
   |Application| generate *Instruction*	 |			update	|
   |  Program  | -------->*   File    *	 |				|
   +-----------+	  *************	 |  **************	  +-----------+
	|			. send to|  *Instrunction* read   |Application|
  update|			...........>*   File     *------> |  Program  |
        |			Machine B|  **************        +-----------+
        V		(you don't need	 |
      Local		 to worry about	 |
     Database		 the sending and |
   [This is only a  ]	 pickup of this	 |
   [sub-set of the  ]  	 file)		 |
   [Central Database]			 |
(performed in interactive or batch mode) |   (performed in batch mode ONLY)

	I was told that Imformix or Oracle can perform this job. Could someone
who have hand-on experience on these or other packages E-mail me some pointers
their props and cons please? I have to make sure the selected package can
support this model. Thanks.

       _   _. __   _,
---   /_)_(__/) )_(_)_		[ Also know as Andrew ]
     /              /|
    '              |/

Po Cheung NG                               ISD:  +61 2 697-4056
JMRC, School of Elec. Eng. and Comp. Sci., STD:  (02) 697-4056
The University of New South Wales,         FAX:  +61 2 662-2087
PO Box 1, Kensington,          ARPA: pcng%cad.jmrc.eecs.unsw.oz.au@uunet.uu.net
Sydney, NSW 2033,              JANET: cad.jmrc.eecs.unsw.oz!pcng@ukc
AUSTRALIA.                     ACSnet: pcng@cad.jmrc.eecs.unsw.oz

UUCP:  {enea,hplabs,mcvax,prlb2,uunet,ubc-vision,ukc}!munnari!cad.jmrc.eecs.unsw.oz!pcng