(Marwan Jabri, Sydney Univ. Elec. Eng., Tel: +61-2-692 2240) (11/20/89)
The following VLSI CAD package is available: PAF A Package for Algorithmic Floorplanning PAF offers a variety of graph processing utilities for floorplanning. For further information on the actual algorithms used in PAF see [1,2,3]. PAF is available on VAX/VMS and Suns. It requires the NAG library. VMS plotting requires GKS and Suns plotting requires X11r3. Utilities available within PAF include: - gracg: Produces a rectangular admissible connectivity graph, that is performs global routing. Three options are availble for using passthroughs, wiring blocks and collapsed wiring blocks. The output is a graph which is rectangularly dualisable. - cluster: performs clustering on input circuit based on block and interconnection weights. - dualise: performs rectangular dualisation, that is, generates rectangular topology from an input graph. - minarea: satisfies area constraints (with control over bounding box). - minshapes: satisfies shape constraints (with control over minimal block sizes). - planarise: planarise graph representing input circuit. - check pin wheels: Checks if a rectangular topology has a pin wheel structure in it. - glue: produces a join/join-top instruction for chip assembly. - plot : plot input graph and output floorplans. ----------------------------- [1] M.A. Jabri, Automatic building of graphs for rectangular dualisation. In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 25th Design Automation Conference, Anaheim, pages 638--641, June 1988. [2] M.A. Jabri and D.J. Skellern, PIAF: A Knowledge-Based/Algorithmic top-down floorplanning system. In Proceeding of the 26th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, pages 582--585, Las Vegas,USA, 1989. [3] M.A. Jabri, A Knowledge-Based/Algorithmic Approach to IC Floorplanning. PhD thesis, Sydney University Electrical Engineering, 1988. ----------------------------- PAF is available for Universities at media and handling costs. For non-Australian universities, the cost is US$150. The cost for Australian Universities is A$50.00. For further information, please contact: Marwan Jabri Systems Engineering and Design Automation Laboratory Sydney University Electrical Engineering NSW 2006 Australia Tel: +61-2 692 2240 Fax: +61-2 692 3847 Email: -- Marwan Jabri E-mail: Systems Engineering and Design Automation Laboratory Fax: (+61-2) 692 3847 Sydney University Electrical Engineering NSW 2006 Australia