[aus.general] 3rd Austrailian Conference on Neural Networks,

barryf@ee.su.oz.au (Barry G. Flower, Sydney Univ. Elec. Eng., Tel: (+61-2) 692 2246) (03/26/91)


	      Third Australian Conference On Neural Networks


		             February 1992
                   The Australian National University,
                          Canberra, Australia

The third  Australian  conference  on neural networks  will  be  held  in
Canberra at the Australian National University,  during the first week of
February 1992.  This  conference  is  interdisciplinary, with emphasis on
cross  discipline  communication  between   Neuroscientists,   Engineers,
Computer  Scientists,  Mathematicians  and   Psychologists concerned with
understanding  the  integrative  nature  of  the  nervous system and  its
implementation  in  hardware/software.   The  categories  for submissions

1 -  Neuroscience: Integrative  function  of  neural  networks in vision,
     audition, motor, somatosensory  and  autonomic  functions;  Synaptic
     function; Cellular information processing;

2 -  Theory: Learning;  generalisation;  complexity;  scaling; stability;

3 -  Implementation: Hardware implementation of neural nets; Analogue and
     digital VLSI implementation; Optical implementations;

4 -  Architectures  and  Learning  Algorithms:   New   architectures  and
     learning   algorithms;   hierarchy;   modularity;   learning pattern
     sequences; Information integration;

5 -  Cognitive  Science and AI:  Computational  models  of  cognition and
     perception;  Reasoning;   Concept formation;   Language acquisition;
     Neural net implementation of expert systems;

6 -  Applications:  Application of neural nets  to  signal processing and
     analysis;   Pattern  recognition:  Speech,  machine  vision;   Motor
     control; Robotic;

     ACNN'92  will feature invited  keynote  speakers  in  the  areas  of
neuroscience,  learning,  modelling and implementations. The program will
include  pre-conference  tutorials,  presentations  and  poster sessions. 
Proceedings  will be printed and distributed to the attendees. There will
be no parallel sessions.

Submission Procedures: 

Original research contributions are solicited and will be internationally
refereed. Authors must submit by August 30, 1991:

    1) five copies of an up to four pages manuscript,  
    2) five  copies of a single-page  100  words maximum abstract and
    3) a covering letter  indicating the submission title and the full 
       names and  addresses of all authors and to  which author  
       correspondence should  be  addressed.   

Authors need to indicate on the top of each copy of the manuscript and
abstract pages their preference for an oral or poster presentation and
specify one of the above six broad categories.  Note that names or
addresses of the authors should be omitted from the manuscript and the
abstract and should be included only on the covering letter.  Authors will
be notified by November 1, 1991 whether their submissions are accepted or
not, and are expected to prepare a revised manuscript (up to four pages)
by December 13, 1991.

 Submissions should be mailed to: 	 Mrs Agatha Shotam
					 Secretariat ACNN'92
					 Sydney University 
					 Electrical Engineering
					 NSW 2006 Australia

Registration material may be obtained by writing to  Mrs Agatha Shotam at
the address above or by:
Tel: (+61-2) 692 4214; Fax: (+61-2) 692 3847;
Email: acnn92@ee.su.oz.au.

	 Deadline for Submissions is August 30, 1991

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