[aus.general] Revised Dates

beadle@otc.otca.oz (Peter Beadle) (04/05/91)

Due to a clash with the "Australian Broadband Swithching and Services
Symposium 1991", the Multi-Media Workshop has been moved to July 1-2. A
revised call for papers is attached. All the details remain the same other
than the data of the workshop.

                             Call For Papers

   1st Australian Multi-Media Communications and Applications Workshop


This workshop seeks to bring together researchers, educators, 
developers and manufacturers in the areas of multi-media  communications
and applications to discuss their work and help develop  an Australian
multi-media communications industry.  


The workshop will be held at OTC Research and Development in Sydney over
2 days  with technical presentations and industrial product
presentations. Hands on  experience with multi-media communications
technology may be possible.  


July 1-2, 1991  


Original contributions are sought in the fields of:

    -audio, video, audio/visual and image databases
    -computer supported collaborative work, groupware, teleworking
    -computer visualisation, virtual reality and  cyberspace
    -enabling technologies for multi-media systems
    -high performance graphics
    -human factors in multi-media communications
    -hypertext and hypermedia
    -impacts of multi-media technology
    -media integration and synchronization
    -multi-media communications applications and case studies
    -multi-media communications standards
    -multi-media in education and training
    -multi-media system architectures
    -multi-media user interface design
    -network technology for multi-media
    -software methodology for multi-media
    -standards for digital audio and video
    -standards for multi-media communications
    -standards for multi-media user interfaces
    -terminal technology
    -related fields


The workshop fee is $50 and will cover morning and afternoon  tea, lunch
and one copy of the workshop proceedings.  

Presentation Aids

Presentations aids available include:

    -slide projector,
    -video projector (VHS, S-VHS, S-VHS-C, UMATIC),
    -Pioneer PAL laser disc player,
    -overhead projector,
    -audio cassette player,
    -Macintosh II (32bit color),
    -DOS PC (80386/25, VGA, CD-ROM),
    -SUN Sparcstation 1+.

Authors should nominate the aids they require with their submission.

Submission of Papers

Presenters should submit a synopsis of their presentation (or a paper)
for  inclusion in the proceedings. Presentations should ideally be  40
minutes (35 minutes talk + 5 minutes questions) though there is  scope
of longer or shorter presentations. Presentations are not restricted to
a stand up talk and may include program and system demonstrations.
Important Dates

    Submission of papers/synopsis close:	May 17, 1991
    Authors notified of acceptance:		June 3, 1991
    Camera ready copy (or electronic copy):	June 17, 1991
    Workshop:				July 1-2, 1991

Preferred Formats for Submission of Papers

    troff ms macros
    Microsoft word

Preferred Submission Methods

    MHSnet: beadle@otc.otca.oz.au
    floppy disc (Macintosh or IBM PC)
    paper addressed to:

        Dr. Peter Beadle
        Multi-Media Applications Section,
        Services R&D,
        OTC Ltd.
        Box 7000, GPO Sydney 2001.

        Phone +61-2-287-3180
        Fax +61-2-287-3299


Those interested in exhibiting equipment or applications should  contact
the conference organizers as soon as possible.  


Please complete the attached form and return it with your remittance to
the address below. Cheques should be made payable to OTC Ltd.

Registration Form 1st Australian Multi-Media Communications,
Applications and Technology Workshop


First name______________________________________________________________






Post to:

    Multi-Media Workshop,
    Attn: Dr. Peter Beadle,
    Multi-Media Applications Section,
    OTC Ltd.
    GPO Box 7000,
    Sydney, 2001.