[bionet.general] Silence is not always golden!


From: David Kristofferson <Kristofferson@BIONET-20.ARPA>

The following was received from a European reader of SEQNET concerning
relayed BIONET messages:

Martin Bishop:

As a cusomer of the SEQNET I like very much also to get the bboard news
from the other networks in USA. However, I not noticed that there are lots of
bboards dealing with subjects I am interested in I never read a note of so far.

I would like to know whether the reciprocal bboard exchange is complete or
if you do a selection before transmitting the messages.

Thank you very much in advance,

Reinhard Doelz
Klingelbergstrasse 70
CH - 4056 BASEL


There are several bulletin boards, particularly the specialized
scientific interest groups, that are lightly used, i.e., a month or
more may go by with nothing posted.  BIONET is passing everything on
to SEQNET.  The sad thing is that I get this query from many people
but the solution lies with each of you.  The staff at BIONET does not
generate messages on the specialized scientific interest group
bulletin boards.  We simply provide the scientific community with a
mechanism for communicating.  If you are interested in starting
discussions in a particular area, send in a message to that bulletin
board.  The list of bulletin boards follow.  Simply address your
message to the bulletin board name followed by @bionet-20.arpa, e.g.,
oncogenes@bionet-20.arpa (BIONET users need only send to oncogenes).
These addresses should be easily accessible to European users since I
routinely receive mail from EARN at my ARPA address.

I think it is a bit unfortunate that many people indicate that they
are waiting to read messages.  Bulletin boards have not yet become
journals.  They are forums for discussion and are waiting for your
input.  It reminds me slightly of the situation at high school proms:
everyone keeps wondering who is going to be the first ones to dance!

Please note also that if you reply to a message on a bulletin board,
make sure that a copy is sent to the bboard address and not to just
the sender.  On BIONET that means use the REPLY ALL (not just REPLY)
option at the R> prompt after reading a message in the MM mail
program.  Other software has similar options.


				Dave Kristofferson
				BIONET Resource Manager


                        BULLETINS FROM BIONET

The following is our list of bboards available for distribution to
sites outside of BIONET.  For example, all of these bboards may be
routed to BITNET addresses.

BBOARD NAME                  TOPIC
-----------                  -----
BIONET-NEWS                  General BIONET announcements
BIO-MATRIX		     Applications of computers to biological databases
CONTRIBUTED-SOFTWARE         Information on programs contributed to BIONET
EMBL-DATABANK		     Messages to and from the EMBL database staff
EMPLOYMENT                   Job opportunities
GENBANK-BB                   Messages to and from the GenBank database staff
GENE-EXPRESSION              Scientific Interest Group
GENOMIC-ORGANIZATION         Scientific Interest Group
METHODS-AND-REAGENTS         Requests for information and lab reagents
MOLECULAR-EVOLUTION          Scientific Interest Group
ONCOGENES                    Scientific Interest Group
PC-COMMUNICATIONS            Information on communications software
PC-SOFTWARE                  Information on PC-software for scientists
PIR			     Messages to and from the PIR database staff
PLANT-MOLECULAR-BIOLOGY      Scientific Interest Group
PROTEIN-ANALYSIS             Scientific Interest Group
RESEARCH-NEWS                Research news of interest to the community
SCIENCE-RESOURCES	     Information about funding agencies, etc.
YEAST-GENETICS               Scientific Interest Group

  Sample BBoard posting address format: MOLECULAR-EVOLUTION@BIONET-20.ARPA
