[bionet.general] Brookhaven database unavailable on BIONET


From: David Kristofferson <Kristofferson@BIONET-20.ARPA>

I'm sorry to have to announce that, due to a new policy at the
Brookhaven Protein Databank, we can no longer provide unlimited access
to the Brookhaven protein databank on BIONET.  Usage was not
sufficient to justify the annual fee of $8,500 that the databank
required for unlimited on-line access with updates and support.
Attempts to negotiate other arrangements were also unsuccessful.
Brookhaven apparently derives a significant amount of their funding
from the sale of tapes, etc., so I can understand their reasons for
taking these steps.

I would like to hear from BIONET users who did use the database to
find out how important it is to them.  Brookhaven could be restored in
a later budget year if the demand develops, but it does not seem to be
present now.


				Dave Kristofferson
				BIONET Resource Manager

