[bionet.general] NetWork Connection to Soviets !!!!

BIONET@BIONET-20.ARPA (04/02/88)


!!! Network Connection to orbiting Soviet Space Station established !!!

As part of its continued efforts to establish new network contacts for
BIONET scientists  to be  able to  collaborate with  their  colleagues
world-wide, BIONET is  pleased to announce  the first  electronic-mail
network contact with the  Soviet Union, and in  fact, to the  orbiting
MIR space station !!

A  separate   notice  on   the  RESEARCH-NEWS   BBOARD  describes   an
intorductory  message  from   the  crew  members   of  this   in-space
laboratory.   We  strongly  urge  all  BIONET  users  to  further  the
connectivity already laid down by  BIONET by replying to this  message
and by  fostering their  own contacts  with their  Soviet  colleagues.
Please send your message to  BIONET@BIONET-20.ARPA and we will  ensure
that they are forwarded to the Soviets.

				the BIONET staff
				(415) 324-GENIE