From: David Kristofferson <Kristofferson@BIONET-20.ARPA> I'd like to express my appreciation to Lauri Kanerva, the BIONET programmer who developed XGENPUB. Lauri and the other systems programmers and operators are responsible for keeping BIONET up and running and are at work behind the scenes while you are doing your sequence analysis and using the communications facilities. Besides Lauri, Rob Liebschutz, our head systems programmer, has spent many a late night at BIONET working on the DEC, Sun and VAX computers. Rob, in conjunction with applications programmer Jean-Pierre Dautricourt, has worked on BIONET's FASTP-MAIL program. Rob also maintains the ARPANET link and has established BIONET's USENET newsgroups. Rob is assisted by David Horner (BIONET's senior computer operator), Ron Diaz (systems programmer), and Tom Griner (systems programmer), all of whom devote part of their time to running BIONET and adding new features to the Resource. I'd like to thank all of them for their efforts on behalf of the molecular biology community. Sincerely, Dave Kristofferson BIONET Resource Manager -------
KEDES@BIONET-20.ARPA (04/02/88)
From: Larry Kedes <KEDES@BIONET-20.ARPA> Dave et al, are we still going to call the program XGENPUB? The X used to signify alpha and beta test versions. I suggest renaming the program to be just GENPUB (and why not GENEPUB?). -Larry -------
From: David Kristofferson <Kristofferson@BIONET-20.ARPA> Larry, XGENPUB still has more modifications in the queue. We will undoubtedly revise the name in the not-too-distant future. Dave -------