[bionet.general] A reply RE:metabolic process modelling

wallace@fmi.ch (05/31/88)

From: Andrew Wallace <wallace%fmi.ch@RELAY.CS.NET>

Dear Colleagues,
	I am forwarding this message to the bulletin boards so that others
may also read it.
	Andrew Wallace, FMI, Basel, Switzerland.

Date: 30 May 88 12:47 +0100
From: sachs%math.Berkeley.EDU@cartan.berkeley.edu
To: wallace@fmi.ch
In-Reply-To: <6456@ig.ig.com>
Message-ID: <8805281634.AA07227@jif>
Subject: Re: Request for information
Return-Receipt-To: sachs%math.Berkeley.EDU@cartan.berkeley.edu

>Newsgroups: bionet.general
>Organization: Math Dept., UC Berkeley

I am a mathematical physicist who has recently become interested
in biology and is trying to assemble some background on modeling
of metabolic (particularly cellular bioenergetic) processes.
Thus I am not an expert at all, but have spent quite a bit of time
trying to orient myself.

There is stuff along the lines previously explored by
operations research theory people and electrical engineers 
("control theory", "systems
analysis", "sensitivity analysis"...);  stuff along the lines of
qualitative theory of differential equations (attractors,
oscilations, bifurcations, chaos);  a little stuff based on
non-equilibrium thermodynamics,  tho not much of this seems to be
computer work;  and enormous amounts of biological stuff on
particular biochemical reactions, in the cell and outside,
with comments on the rates, concentrations, mechanisms, empirical
methods of determination, models, etc., mostly quite qualitative.

One reference to the first two subjects
that looks fairly comprehensive to me ( I haven't
read it, just got it out recently) is:
Symposia Biologica Hungarica
Elsevier Science Publishers
Amsterdam, 1986
Damjanovitch, Keleti & Tron editors

As a mathematician
I find some of the work of Othmer (University of Utah Dept. of
Math) fairly accesible, e.g. Nonlinear Oscillations in Chemistry
and Biology (Springer-Verlag, 1985 or 1986).  He is leading
a Gordon Conference this 
summer and that book should be more up-to-date.

If you are interested please write for lmore info when:
(a) I am at school, where my references are, rather than at lhome
where I happended to get lyour note;
(b) I lhave a bit more time;
(c) I can hear a little more specifically what you had in mind.