[bionet.general] LIFESCI PRIMER


From:     <HARPER@FINUH>

    Some time ago I wrote to BIOTECH about the need for "biologists"
    to  be  able to know about each other,  and also to be  able  to
    contact on the network people who have similar interests.  I did
    a survey of NAMESERVERS and found that not too many "biologists"
    knew  about them,  or took the time to register.  Shortly  after
    that  Martin Bishop from SEQNET started to compile a database of
    "biologists", and distributed the list over the network. That is
    the history so far.

    I  have  recently been looking at LIFESCI which is  situated  at
    RPRLSCI@TECHNION in Israel and I have been well pleased with the
    NAME server that they have installed. The next few messages will
    give  you an idea of the usefulness of LIFESCI,  and I  hope  it
    encourages "biologists" on the network to register with LIFESCI.

    Basically this PRIMER will be a <<LIVE SHOW>>  of how to have an
    "interactive" session with LIFESCI.  One session will be for IBM
    and  the other for a VAX.  Since some places on the net  do  not
    have the possibility to do "interactive" work there will also be
    a  an  example  of  how to do the same kind of  things  using  a
    "batch" mail file.
