sam@HEART.SEAS.UPENN.EDU (Sam Hahn) (07/22/88)
Hello, I am in desperate need of the complete sequence for Promega Biotec's pGEM7zf plasmid. I know Promega has a BITNET address somewhere, but I have been unable to find/enter it. If anyone has this piece of information either, it w would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...
sam@HEART.SEAS.UPENN.EDU (Sam Hahn) (07/22/88)
Hello, I am in desperate need of the complete sequence for Promega Biotec's pGE pGEM7zf plasmid. If anyone has it, a e-mailed sequence would be greatly appreciated. OR...I know Promega has a BITNET account somewhere but I have been unable to access it from ARPANET...if anyone know how to do this from ARPANET, that information would also be greatly appreciated...thanks.