[bionet.general] EARN89 Announcement

NOREILLY@irlearn.bitnet ("Niall O'Reilly ", NOREILLY@IRLEARN.UCD.IE) (11/22/88)

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Enclosed is the 1st announcement for EARN89.
I suggest to NCCs to forward it to all NADs.

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

This is the final version of the 1st Announcement for EARN89.
Please forward to all concerned. Thank you.
Stelios Orphanoudakis

(Front page)


                An International Conference on Technical Aspects of
                Networking and User Support Services with Emphasis
                       on Applications in the Medical Field

                              CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
                                (1st Announcement)

                                  May 29-31, 1989
                                CAPSIS BEACH HOTEL
                             HERAKLION, CRETE, GREECE

                       European Academic & Research Network


              EARN89                  Crete, Greece, May 29-31, 1989

              Conference and Program Information

              In recent years, Academic Networking has become a
              major international activity whose goal is to establish
              effective communication channels, which will bring
              closer together individuals working in Academic and
              Research Institutions around the world.

              EARN89 is the 3rd International Conference of the
              European Academic and Research Network. It provides a
              forum for the exchange of information on the development
              and operation of EARN and other academic and research
              networks, the installation of network servers and other
              user support tools, and the use of these networks and
              related facilities by various groups in academic and
              research institutions.

              This international conference will address primarily
              issues related to the technical aspects of networking,
              user support services and documentation, and networking
              applications. A specific application area which will be
              emphasized is Networking in Health Care and Picture
              Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS). Medical
              applications of networking are currently gaining
              substantial momentum and will serve as the central theme
              of parallel sessions with invited and submitted papers,

              Half-day tutorials on Internetworking, OSI, Network
              Servers, and Data Security in Networks are tentatively
              planned for the first day of the conference. More
              specific information on the tutorials will be included
              in the 2nd Announcement of EARN89, which will be mailed
              toward the end of December, 1988. EARN89 will formally
              open in the morning of the second day with a plenary
              session dedicated to a review of current and future
              developments in the area of networking in Europe and
              North America. The remaining one and a half days of
              EARN89 will be devoted to invited and submitted papers,
              which will be organized in two parallel sessions on
              Technical Aspects of Networking and User Support
              Services. Specific topics will include, but are not
              limited to, the following:

              - Message Handling Systems
              - Wide-Band Communications
              - Existing Networks and ISDN
              - International Mail Gateways
              - Network Servers (LISTSERV, NETSERV, ASTRA, MACSERV, etc.)
              - Data Security
              - Network Monitoring and Management
              - Access to Databases/Libraries
              - The Role of Networking in Office Automation
              - Network Topology/Performance
              - Experiences with International Communication Among
                Academicians, Scientists, and other Professionals
              - Medical Applications / PACS
              - Sociological Aspects of Computer Mediated Conferencing
              - Services/tools


              Place and Date:

              EARN89 will be held at the Capsis Beach Hotel,
              Heraklion, Crete, Greece from May 29-31, 1989.
              The Capsis Beach Hotel is located on the Peninsula
              of Agia Pelagia, approximately 20km from the city
              of Heraklion. Heraklion is accessible by 5 direct
              flights and two car-ferries a day from Athens and
              by direct scheduled and chartered flights from most
              major European airports. Additional travel information
              will be included in the 2nd Announcement.

              Who Should Participate:

              EARN89 will be of particular interest to all users of
              EARN, those who are responsible for the development,
              installation, and maintenance of academic and research
              networks, those who install and maintain network servers
              and other user support tools, and other users of
              computer networks and related facilities. As
              applications of networking in the medical field will be
              emphasized, this conference will also be of interest to
              all those who are engaged in research and development in
              the areas of hospital information systems, picture
              archiving and communication systems, and
              computer-integrated health care systems in general. All
              members of the above groups are invited to share their
              knowledge and experiences with other participants at
              this conference.

              Call for Participation:

              Interested individuals are encouraged to submit
              abstracts of papers to be considered for presentation in
              the parallel sessions. All those who intend to
              participate and/or present a paper are asked to return
              the attached form to the address provided or,
              preferably, by electronic mail as soon as possible. The
              deadline for submission of an extended abstract (1-2
              pages) is January 15, 1989. Notifications of acceptance
              will be sent out by February 15, 1989. A book of
              abstracts will be compiled and distributed to all
              participants at the conference*.

                                           For information on the
              For additional information   European Academic and
              on EARN89, send e-mail to:   Research Network (EARN),
                                           send e-mail to:
              (EARN:) EARN89 @ GREARN
                                           (EARN:) GREGURY @ FRMOP11
              or write to:
                                           or write to:
              c/o Ms. Rena Kalaitzaki      EARN Office
              Dept. of Computer Science    c/o Ms. Cathy Gregury
              University of Crete          45, rue des Saints-Peres
              714 09 Heraklion, Crete      75006 Paris, FRANCE
                                           Tel: 33-1-40150539
              Tel: 30-81-234316            Telex: 670602 F CITIUM

             *It is strongly recommended that e-mail be used for all
              correspondence, including return of the attached form
              and the submission of abstracts. Regular mail should be
              used only when e-mail is not available.


              (Expression of Interest and/or Intent to Present Form)


      EARN89                           Crete, Greece, May 29-31, 1989

      E-mail: EARN89 @ GREARN

      < >  I intend to participate            -----------------------
           (Final program will be             Name
            mailed in March, 1989)

      < >  I would like to present a paper    -----------------------
           on the following topic(s):         Title/Function
           (Abstract due: January 15, 1989)

           ------------------------------     -----------------------

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           ------------------------------     -----------------------
                                              E-mail address

      < >  I would like to receive future
