[net.micro] S-100 Corp.


I would also like to  put in a defense  of S-100 Corp. (Phoenix  Az.).
When they  were  located  here  in N.J.,  I  had  extensive  in-person
dealings with them, and  found them to be  honest and prompt for  both
mail and walk-in orders.  They were for  a time THE ONLY place to  buy
at discount locally for amateur computerists, and they did me numerous
favors on hard-to-find items.  Even during those "monopoly" years  (at
least for the  local walk-in  market), I never  found them  to take  a
cavalier attitude  toward even  their smallest  customers.  They  even
gave more technical hand-holding than would have seemed to be in their
own best interests.

They were (and presumably  still are) a family  business, and tend  to
get themselves swamped from time to time.  They also have to cope with
the usual runaround (read  lying) from their  own suppliers, but  they
always told me  the truth as  far as they  knew it at  the time.   I'm
sorry you didn't get a certified  check back, but from their point  of
view it was probably a kinder gesture to get you your money a few days
early than to wait till one of them  got around to a trip down to  the
bank.  In short, I don't think  your experience qualifies as a  horror
story by a long shot.  I hope this incident won't sour you on  dealing
with them again, or discourage other people from doing so.

Department of Computer Science
Rutgers University