kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (01/19/89)

Computerizing the biological sciences is a difficult task.  Sometimes,
however, something happens which can move the field forward if enough
people simply speak up.

I have had further discussions with the publications group at the
American Society of Microbiology (ASM).  They recently started sending
BIONET the Table of Contents for the Journal of Bacteriology in
advance of publication, and we have started distributing this
information via the BIOSCI bulletin board network.  This is a small,
but important first step in encouraging more journals to distribute
information electronically, and we would like to encourage them and
other journals to increase their participation.  Following ASM's first
move, another journal has, in fact, opened discussions with me along
similar lines and I hope to be able to make another announcement about
these developments soon.  The prospects for further progress are
definitely present.

HOWEVER, before ASM invests further effort in this venture, they would
like some feedback from us about how valuable the service is to users.
It apparently costs them $X to produce and mail the information to us
for the Table of Contents and even more money if they were to include
abstracts of each article.  Depending upon response, they may also put
parts of other ASM journals on-line.

THEREFORE, if you find this kind of information of value to you,
PLEASE send a reply to this message to me (kristoff@net.bio.net or
kristofferson@bionet-20.bio.net).  (DON'T reply to the bulletin board
in this case!!!)  This is an Internet address so users on some
machines may have to use addressing tricks such as


to reply.  If you have any difficulty acknowledging mail, PLEASE ask
your local computer systems person about how to reply to this message.
It is very important that EVERYBODY interested in furthering this
effort reply!  In general, mass appeals, regular hardcopy mailings,
etc., are amazingly successful if more than a small fraction of
readers actually reply, so I am being naively optimistic that you
electronic mail readers are a dedicated bunch willing to do your part
to further these efforts.  Even a blank message will acknowledge to me
that you read the appeal, so every bit (no pun) helps.  I need replies
from people not only on the BIONET computer (they can mail to
KRISTOFFERSON) but from anyone anywhere in the world that sees this
and is interested.  Unfortunately with the multiple forwardings of
BIOSCI bulletin board messages and distribution via USENET we have no
way of telling how many people now actually see the bulletins.  What
we are doing in effect is asking everyone around the world in every
library (electronic in this case) who picks this article up to let us
know that they have read it!  [I must be crazy even trying such a
stunt! :-) ]

I am opening myself up to a potentially lethal barrage of mail by
sending out this appeal so please don't expect an answer to your
acknowledgements.  I will have to simply keep a tally of responses.

Please be generous and take a minute of your time now to help develop
the future!!

				THANK YOU!!!!!

				Dave Kristofferson
				BIONET Resource Manager

			     or	kristofferson@bionet-20.bio.net

AMCLOUGH@irlearn.bitnet ("AIDEN J. McLOUGHLIN") (01/19/89)

Dear Dave,
I believe that your efforts with ASM are vital to Scientific development.
I hope that you get the cooperation you deserve.
Aiden J. McLoughlin
Department of Industrial Microbiology
University College, Dublin, Ireland.