[bionet.general] "Computer Applications in the Biosciences" Contents On-Line!!

kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (02/08/89)

The Table of Contents for the February 1989 issue (vol. 5, no. 1) of
"Computer Applications in the Biosciences" (CABIOS) is now on the
RESEARCH-NEWS bulletin board.  My thanks to Rob Beynon and IRL Press
for providing this information, and to Rob again for providing the
contents in Medline format.  

CABIOS thus becomes the second journal to provide this information to
BIOSCI and more may follow in the near future.  My thanks also to the
scores of people (going on 200) who replied to my poll on the
usefulness of this information.  All except two responses were
positive!  Keep those cards and letters coming in, though, because I
still need backing to continue this effort!


				Dave Kristofferson
				BIONET Resource Manager

			     or	kristofferson@bionet-20.bio.net