SANDER@embl.bitnet (Chris Sander) (02/14/89)
PROTEIN DATA BANK COORDINATE DATA SETS AVAILABLE ON EMBL'S BITNET FILE SERVER We are pleased to make available electronic mail fileserver access to single data sets of the Brookhaven PROTEIN DATA BANK (tape DATAPRTP, i.e. files of atomic coordinates). This service has become possible through EMBL's paid membership of in the Protein Data Bank Service Association since October 1988 and is offered by EMBL as a service to the molecular biology community, primarily in Europe. The service will run until Oct. 15, 1989. The main purpose of this service is to make available individual data sets quickly via electronic mail upon request. DOWNLOADING OF MANY DATA SETS OR OF THE ENTIRE DATA BASE WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE. You can obtain the entire data base, as before, directly from the Protein Data Bank, which provides an excellent service on magnetic tape medium. By accepting PROTEIN DATA BANK data sent via the EMBL fileserver you implicitly agree to enter into a license agreement with the Brookhaven PROTEIN DATA BANK, and are required to sign a corresponding form accompanying the data and mail it to the PROTEIN DATA BANK at BNL, Upton, N.Y. 11973, USA. All users of the service will be registered by the PROTEIN DATA BANK. To use the fileserver send a standard e-mail message (with mail header and all, not a one-line command) containing the single word HELP to NETSERV@EMBL on bitnet or via a gateway from other networks. Biocomputing Programme, EMBL, Feb. 10, 1989. European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Europe. --------------------------- example ------------------------------------------- From: EMBL::RICE "Peter Rice" 10-NOV-1988 09:39:54.02 To: NETSERV@EMBL Subj: screw Help Help Proteindata Dir Proteindata Get Proteindata:1PPT.BRK -------------------------- end example ----------------------------------------