[bionet.general] VOTE for CANCER-RESEARCH newsgroup

kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (02/25/89)

We have received a proposal for a new cancer research newsgroup which
would go under the BITNET name of CANCERES.

The proposed newsgroup, CANCERES, would encompass a similar range of
coverage as does the journal "CANCER RESEARCH," i.e., both clinical
and basic cancer research and a few reviews.  Of course, discussion of
preliminary results and exchange of techniques would be encouraged.
The newsgroup would also include epidemilogy and biostatistics of
clinical trials.

According to BIOSCI policy for the formation of new newsgroups, we
must receive at least 40 YES votes for this group within 60 days.  If
you are interested in participating in such a group please send a
message with the line YES ON CANCERES to one of the following
addresses as soon as possible.  Voting will close on April 25th and
results will be announced on BIONEWS.

Send your vote to:

Address					Location	Network
-------					--------	-------
biovote@irlearn.ucd.ie			Ireland		EARN/BITNET
biovote@uk.ac.daresbury			U.K.		JANET
biovote@bmc.uu.se			Sweden		EARN/Internet
biovote@net.bio.net			U.S.A. 		Internet/BITNET


				Dave Kristofferson
				BIONET Resource Manager

			     or	kristofferson@bionet-20.bio.net