[bionet.general] Voting for newsgroups - update

kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (02/28/89)

In addition to the recently announced CANCERES group, voting is still
open (but past the half-way period) for the POPBIO (population
biology), MUS (mouse genetics) and CYTOG (cytogenetics methods)
newsgroups.  Voting on these last three groups closes on March 23rd.
If you are interested in any of these topics, please send your vote
YES ON XXXX, where XXXX is the newsgroup name, to one of the following

Address					Location	Network
-------					--------	-------
biovote@irlearn.ucd.ie			Ireland		EARN/BITNET
biovote@uk.ac.daresbury			U.K.		JANET
biovote@bmc.uu.se			Sweden		EARN/Internet
biovote@net.bio.net			U.S.A. 		Internet/BITNET