[bionet.general] BIO-CONVERSION bulletin board problems

kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (04/11/89)

There have been several complaints from U.K. subscribers and others
recently about receiving unwanted copies of bulletins from the
BIO-CONVERSION bulletin board.  I have requested that each BIOSCI node
take steps to ensure that copies of BIO-CONVERSION be sent only to
people who specifically request it, and I hope that these measures
will be implemented expeditiously.

While the discussions on BIO-CONVERSION concern some important
real-world problems, it is also apparent from the reader responses
that they are not of interest to many who request BIOSCI bulletins in

I would like to point out once again, however, that the concept of
individual newsgroups on BIOSCI should allow each reader to select
from a variety of topics instead of simply receiving everything in a
"catch-all" mode.  The list of topics is included below.  If you
currently receive ALL BIOSCI bulletins and would like to receive only
a subset, please send your selection from the list below to one of the
following addresses.

Address					Location	Network
-------					--------	-------
biosci@irlearn.ucd.ie			Ireland		EARN/BITNET
biosci@uk.ac.daresbury			U.K.		JANET
biosci@bmc.uu.se			Sweden		Internet
biosci@net.bio.net			U.S.A. 		Internet/BITNET

AGEING			     Scientific Interest Group
BIONEWS                      General announcements
BIOTECH			     Biotechnology issues
BIO-CONVERSION		     Scientific Interest Group
BIO-MATRIX		     Applications of computers to biological databases
BIO-SOFTWARE		     Discussions about software for biology
EMBL-DATABANK		     Messages to and from the EMBL database staff
EMPLOYMENT                   Job opportunities
GENBANK-BB                   Messages to and from the GenBank database staff
GENOMIC-ORGANIZATION         Scientific Interest Group
METHODS-AND-REAGENTS         Requests for information and lab reagents
MOLECULAR-EVOLUTION          Scientific Interest Group
PIR			     Messages to and from the PIR database staff
POPULATION-BIOLOGY	     Scientific Interest Group
PROTEIN-ANALYSIS             Scientific Interest Group
RESEARCH-NEWS                Research news of interest to the community
SCIENCE-RESOURCES	     Information about funding agencies, etc.
SWISS-PROT		     Messages to and from the SWISS-PROT database staff