[bionet.general] Introduction to BIO-JOURNALS newsgroup

kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (David Kristofferson) (04/26/89)

The BIO-JOURNALS newsgroup, the latest addition to the BIOSCI
newsgroup network, is ready for operation.  On BITNET the group goes
under the name of BIO-JRNL and on USENET it is called
bionet.journals.contents.  The purpose of this group is to
disseminate the table of contents of biological journals prior to
their appearance in hardcopy form.  In this respect the group is not
really a forum for discussion, but instead a medium of distribution
for this material.

Currently I have made arrangements with the American Society for
Microbiology to distribute the contents of the Journal of Virology,
Molecular and Cellular Biology, and the Journal of Bacteriology about
two weeks in advance of publication.  In addition IRL press is
contributing the contents of Computer Applications in the BioSciences
(CABIOS) and discussions are underway with them to include Nucleic
Acids Research and the EMBO Journal as well.

If any of the readers of this newsgroup have professional connections
with any other major journal and would like to participate in this
effort, I would be happy to hear from you.  Please send e-mail to me
at kristoff@net.bio.net.  All that is needed to participate is the
submission of the table of contents in ASCII format from your journal
by e-mail or diskette.  We are encouraging the submissions to
standardize on a subset of Medline format (discussions still underway
on this) so that the information can be read by reference database
software.  I also wish to encourage readers who write software for
this task to contribute it for distribution via the BIONET anonymous
FTP directory at net.bio.net.

It is, with our limited resources, not our intention to make this
newsgroup home to every journal in print.  Our immediate goal is
simply to make available the contents of the most widely used
biological journals.  In this regards, I would appreciate it if
readers would send me (to kristoff@net.bio.net, NOT to the
newsgroup!!!) their top five "favorite journals" so that we can focus
our efforts and limited "recruiting" resources.  I also wish to
reemphasize my appeal above.  If this group is to expand, it will rely
considerably on the good will and efforts of people at the various
publishing companies.  I have only a small amount of time each day to
devote to this work, but collectively our individual efforts can be

If you do not receive this group over some kind of news network such
as USENET and need to receive direct mailings of messages, you can
subscribe to the group by sending your request to one of the following
addresses.  Please chose the most convenient geographical and network

Address					Location	Network
-------					--------	-------
biosci@irlearn.ucd.ie			Ireland		EARN/BITNET
biosci@uk.ac.daresbury			U.K.		JANET
biosci@bmc.uu.se			Sweden		Internet
biosci@net.bio.net			U.S.A. 		Internet/BITNET

Note that EARN/BITNET users may also access a LISTSERV program at
IRLEARN in Ireland.  To subscribe there, send a message to

SUBSCRIBE BIO$JRNL your_personal_name

in the body of the message.  Please note that this technique can ONLY
BE USED AT IRLEARN and not at any of the other BIOSCI nodes above.

Best wishes for a successful venture!  I expect the next three tables
of contents to be posted in about two and a half weeks.