[bionet.general] IDEAS vs. IG

eddy@stjude.org (Pat Eddy) (07/24/89)

 Has anybody out there used both the IntelliGenetics suite of programs
 and the IDEAS suite of programs for sequence analysis? Could you tell 
 me how they compare as to ease of use, flexibility, features , etc.?
 Which did you like best?  Why? 
 What does IDEAS offer that you couldn't do with the IG suite?

 If there are any system managers out there, how time consuming are
 the management and maintenance tasks associated with IDEAS. How does 
 IDEAS rate as far as comsumption of system resources and length of time
 to search databases.

 I've got new users who used IDEAS in previous labs and are unwilling
 to learn the IG suite (which we have) when they come here. Some are
 demanding that the MBCF obtain, and maintain, the IDEAS programs.
 Needless to say, I am not real keen on doing this. The thought of
 having to keep *two* sets of databases available, ( I'm sure IDEAS
 won't have the same file format as IG),and *two* sets of analysis
 programs available is grim indeed. But, I promised I would look into
 I would be very grateful for any comments anyone might have on this
 subject.  Thank you !!

                                   Patricia Eddy
                                   System Manager
 Internet address:   eddy@STJUDE.ORG                                         
 From BITNET     :   eddy%stjude.org@net.bio.net
 Address         :   St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
                     Molecular Biology Computer Facility
                     332 N. Lauderdale
                     Memphis, TN  38101  USA
 Voice           :   901-531-2385