[bionet.general] BIOSCI newsgroups will continue unaffected by BIONET demise.

kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (09/26/89)

Some people are not aware of the full range of services that BIONET
provided and may have been confused about the recent GenBank On-line
Service announcement that mentioned fees for the service.  Please rest
assured that, if you are on the BIOSCI newsgroups mailing lists, you
will continue to receive, and can post, bulletins exactly as in the
past.  This service will continue without interuption.  No fees have
been levied or are planned for this service to users not directly on
the GenBank computer.

The fees mentioned in my announcement apply only to users that request
accounts directly on the GenBank computer.  I should note once again
that BIONET was not just a bulletin board service, although some users
outside of North America knew it only in this capacity.

North American BIONET users (i.e., people who had accounts on the
BIONET computer) who have electronic mailboxes on other computers can
also request to have their mailing addresses added to the subscription
lists (latest info sheet below).  Please send your address and
selections to biosci@net.bio.net.


				Dave Kristofferson
				GenBank On-line Service Manager




The BIOSCI bulletin board network was developed to allow easy
worldwide communications between biological scientists who work on a
variety of computer networks.  By having distribution sites or "nodes"
on each major network, BIOSCI allows its users to contact people on
other networks around the world without having to learn a variety of
computer addressing tricks.  Any user can simply post a message to
his/her regional BIOSCI node (see list below) and copies of the
message will be distributed automatically to all other subscribers on
all of the participating networks.

The following is a list of newsgroup topics available for distribution
to sites on the ARPANET/Internet, BITNET, EARN, NETNORTH, HEANET, and
JANET as well as UUCP sites.  For each of these bboards, BITNET name
abbreviations and analogous UNIX USENET newsgroup names is provided in
a second list below.  Also below is a list of the various sites
(nodes) that distribute the bboards, the address format for posting
messages, and the addresses used for subscription requests.

BBOARD NAME                  TOPIC
-----------                  -----
AGEING                       Scientific Interest Group
AGROFORESTRY                 Scientific Interest Group
BIONEWS                      General announcements of widespread
                                interest to biologists
BIOTECH                      Biotechnology issues
BIO-CONVERSION               Scientific Interest Group
BIO-JOURNALS                 Tables of Contents of biological journals
BIO-MATRIX                   Applications of computers to biological databases
BIO-SOFTWARE                 Information on software for the
                                biological sciences
EMBL-DATABANK                Messages to and from the EMBL database staff
EMPLOYMENT                   Job opportunities
GENBANK-BB                   Messages to and from the GenBank database staff
GENOMIC-ORGANIZATION         Scientific Interest Group
METHODS-AND-REAGENTS         Requests for information and lab reagents
MOLECULAR-EVOLUTION          Scientific Interest Group
PIR                          Messages to and from the PIR database staff
POPULATION-BIOLOGY           Scientific Interest Group
PROTEIN-ANALYSIS             Scientific Interest Group
RESEARCH-NEWS                Research news of interest to the community
SCIENCE-RESOURCES            Information from/about the funding agencies
SWISS-PROT                   Messages to and from the SWISS-PROT database staff

The following list includes BITNET newsgroup names (<= 8 characters)
and also the names of the corresponding UNIX USENET newsgroups.

Messages can be posted directly to any of these newsgroups without
editorial intervention.  Use the address format


where "bboardname" comes from either the left or middle column below
and "nodename" is found at the bottom of the respective column.

For example, the BIOSCI node at SERC Daresbury in the U.K. utilizes
the BITNET names and is thus listed below the middle column in the
following list.  To post a message to the METHODS-AND-REAGENTS
newsgroup, U.K. users would mail to methods@uk.ac.daresbury.

USENET users can also post news directly to the USENET groups listed
below by using the "postnews" software on their local UNIX computer.
Be sure to set the message distribution to "world."  USENET groups are
read using, e.g., the "readnews," "rn," or "vnews" software on UNIX

BBOARD NAME                BITNET/EARN Name      USENET Newsgroup Name
-----------                ----------------      ---------------------
AGEING                     AGEING                bionet.molbio.ageing
AGROFORESTRY               AG-FORST              bionet.agroforestry
BIONEWS                    BIONEWS               bionet.general
BIOTECH                    BIOTECH               bionet.technology.general
BIO-CONVERSION             BIO-CONV              bionet.technology.conversion
BIO-JOURNALS               BIO-JRNL              bionet.journals.contents
BIO-MATRIX                 BIOMATRX              bionet.molbio.bio-matrix
BIO-SOFTWARE               BIO-SOFT              bionet.software
EMBL-DATABANK              EMBL-DB               bionet.molbio.embldatabank
EMPLOYMENT                 BIOJOBS               bionet.jobs
GENBANK-BB                 GENBANKB              bionet.molbio.genbank
GENOMIC-ORGANIZATION       GENE-ORG              bionet.molbio.gene-org
METHODS-AND-REAGENTS       METHODS               bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts
MOLECULAR-EVOLUTION        MOL-EVOL              bionet.molbio.evolution
PIR                        PIR-BB                bionet.molbio.pir
POPULATION-BIOLOGY         POP-BIO               bionet.population-bio
PROTEIN-ANALYSIS           PROTEINS              bionet.molbio.proteins
RESEARCH-NEWS              RESEARCH              bionet.molbio.news
SCIENCE-RESOURCES          SCI-RES               bionet.sci-resources
SWISS-PROT                 SWISSPRT              bionet.molbio.swiss-prot

Node Addresses               Node Addresses
for left column  location    for middle column   location
---------------  --------    -----------------   --------
bmc.uu.se        (Sweden)    irlearn.ucd.ie      (Ireland)
net.bio.net      (U.S.A.)    uk.ac.daresbury     (U.K.)
                             net.bio.net         (U.S.A.)

             Subscription Requests and other Information

Subscription requests and/or requests for further information about
the BIOSCI bboard network can be sent to the address


where "xxxx" can be any of the node addresses in the list below, e.g.,
biosci@uk.ac.daresbury in the United Kingdom.  Interested parties
outside of Europe and North America should contact whichever node is
most convenient.  The following list also details the computer
networks serviced by each BIOSCI node.

Europe                                   North America
-------------------------------------    ----------------------------------
Sweden   bmc.uu.se       (Internet)      net.bio.net (Internet, but can be 
UK       uk.ac.daresbury (JANET)                  accessed by BITNET users)
Ireland  IRLEARN         (BITNET/EARN)
           or equivalently
Ireland  irlearn.ucd.ie  (HEANET - can
                            be accessed
                            from EARN &

available from IRLEARN (NOT from any of the other BIOSCI nodes!!!!).
To subscribe to any of the newsgroups from IRLEARN, send a message to
following lines in your message to select the newsgroup of interest.
Replace your_personal_name in the list below with your own name (for
example: SUBSCRIBE $BIONEWS John A. Doe).

           Mail one of the below to LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE.

AGEING                       SUBSCRIBE $AGEING your_personal_name
AGROFORESTRY                 SUBSCRIBE AG+FORST your_personal_name  *
BIONEWS                      SUBSCRIBE $BIONEWS your_personal_name
BIOTECH                      SUBSCRIBE $BIOTECH your_personal_name
BIO-CONVERSION               SUBSCRIBE BIO$CONV your_personal_name
BIO-JOURNALS                 SUBSCRIBE BIO$JRNL your_personal_name
BIO-MATRIX                   SUBSCRIBE $BIOMATR your_personal_name
BIO-SOFTWARE                 SUBSCRIBE BIO$SOFT your_personal_name
EMBL-DATABANK                SUBSCRIBE EMBL$DB your_personal_name
EMPLOYMENT                   SUBSCRIBE $BIOJOBS your_personal_name
GENBANK-BB                   SUBSCRIBE $GENBANK your_personal_name
PIR                          SUBSCRIBE PIR$BB your_personal_name
POPULATION-BIOLOGY           SUBSCRIBE POP$BIO your_personal_name
PROTEIN-ANALYSIS             SUBSCRIBE $PROTEIN your_personal_name
RESEARCH-NEWS                SUBSCRIBE $RESEARC your_personal_name
SCIENCE-RESOURCES            SUBSCRIBE SCI$RES your_personal_name
SWISS-PROT                   SUBSCRIBE $SWISSPR your_personal_name

*  Note the + instead of the $ for AGROFORESTRY.