kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (09/28/89)
Over the last several years we have made a lot of friends (and possibly a few enemies) during the course of our work at BIONET. I guess that, under the circumstances, some kind of epitaph is due. One of our users expressed his feelings about the system below (pardon our immodesty in posting this), and I don't think that it could have been put much better. All of the staff (past and the few who have persevered with us through this last uncertain year) wish to thank all of you for the chance that we have had to serve the molecular biology community through the BIONET Resource. It has been a demanding, but very rewarding experience. Working with you every day, we have been aware of the many aspects of BIONET that need improvement and have tried hard to continue to upgrade our service. Much still remained to be done, but we also hope that you noted substantial progress along the way. I particularly would like to thank Spencer Yeh, Eliot Lear, and Cindy Eppard for their efforts during the last year on behalf of BIONET. We also hope that most of you will choose to sign up with the new GenBank On-line Service. Speaking personally, although the transition may cause some inconvenience, I still believe that the best is yet to come! Best Wishes to all of you! Dave Kristofferson --------------- Dear Dave, Thanks for the quick response. I find myself very sad to be signing off of BIONET for the last time - I started using the first SEQ program in 1980 as a grad student in the Biochemistry Department at Stanford when it was part of the SUMEX-AIM project, and have watched things evolve ever since. You guys have done an outstanding job over the years, and it is a sad thing to see it go. Thanks for everything.