[bionet.general] Silence ...

kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (10/02/89)

Here is the last minute of BIONET for those of you with a morbid
interest in such things ... 8-)!  The new GenBank On-line Service will
be up no later than Nov. 1st.  In the interim the newsgroups will
still function but their readership has been greatly reduced at this
end.  Only readers who received messages forwarded from BIONET will
see postings during the interim.

Dave Kristofferson

[BIONET-20.BIO.NET going down in one minute!!]

 Saturday, September 30, 1989 19:59:00
 User    Personal name       Job Subsys Idle TTY Console location
CARTER   Mark Carter          20 IFI51       245 Batch job
DGROSS   David S. Gross       32 EXEC     15.307 IG-TIPB.#Internet
HORNER   David Horner         36 EXEC       .313 [].#Internet
JOUNG    Keith Joung          13 TYPE       .270 IG-TIPB.#Internet
KRISTOFF Dave Kristofferson   19 FINGER     .273 IG-TIPB.#Internet
LAMBERT  Steven Lambert       27 MM     *:** 305 IG-TIPB.#Internet
LAURI    Lauri Kanerva        16 MM          271 IG-TIPB.#Internet
MELLON   Isabel Mellon        21 MM       48 300 IG-TIPB.#Internet
RAPPAPOR Eric Rappaport       23 KERMIT      274 IG-TIPB.#Internet
SCHNEIDE Lisa Schneider       22 EXEC       .277 IG-TIPB.#Internet
TSIMS    Thomas Sims          18 CLEAN      .276 IG-TIPB.#Internet
Even the smallest candle burns brighter in the dark.
[Timesharing is over]