kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (12/01/89)
Over the last few days we have had some FASTA query sequences sent to the main GenBank staff address at instead of to the appropriate e-mail server address. While a suggestion was made 8-) that perhaps the database should keep these messages as new databank entry submissions (!), it is probably best if people just make sure that they send their messages to the correct address. Once again, the correct address for submitting FASTA-MAIL searches is SEARCH@GENBANK.BIO.NET Thanks for your attention! Sincerely, Dave Kristofferson GenBank On-line Service Manager P.S. - I have been on vacation the last week and have still not caught up on the many messages sent to me. Please rest assured that I will get to your mail within the next few days if you have sent a request in regarding the On-line Service or BIOSCI newsgroups.