[bionet.general] job

VINCENT@buclln11.bitnet ("Vincent Bauchau - Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium") (12/11/89)

         ***** E.E.C. Post Doctoral Research Position *****
         *****        Genetics of wild mice           *****

      In the framework  of an E.E.C.   SCIENCE twinning  programme on the
genetics of wild mice, there will be post-doctoral positions available in
each of the participating labs starting november 1990:

Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: 1 position, grad. or post-doc, 18 months max.

to work on an hybrid zone between normal and Robertsonian populations.

The candidate should  have some experience in  population genetics and/or

Applications should be sent to Dr V.  Bauchau,  Univ.  Louvain,  Unit- de
Biologie Animale, Labo FYAD, 2 Pl Croix du Sud,  b-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve,
BITNET/EARN: vincent @ buclln11

Aarhus, Denmark    : 1 post-doc position, up to  2 years
Montpellier, France: 1 post-doc position, up to 3 years

to work on  genomic coadaptation and gene  flow in a hybrid  zone between
Mus m. domesticus and Mus m. musculus.

The applicant should idealy master molecular biology techniques (Southern
transfer,  PCR,   DNA sequencing)  and be  familiar with the  concepts of
population genetics.

Contacts:  J.T.  Nielsen,  Dpt of Molecular Biology,  Aarhus Universitet,
C.F. Mollers Alle 130, DK 8000 Aarhus C.
F. Bonhomme, P. Boursot, Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution, Universite
de Montpellier, Pl. E. Bataillon, F-34060 Montpellier Cedex, France

NOTE that  for all these positions,  applicants normaly must  be citizens
from any of the EEC country, except the country where the host laboratory
is located.