HARPER@finfun.bitnet ("Robert Harper ", Finland) (01/18/90)
There is a rather comprehensive document called LISTDB MEMO which covers the workings of the LDBASE programme for querying the BIOSCI notebooks at IRLEARN. To obtain this memo you should send the following line in the main body of a mail message to LISTSERV@FINHUTC GET LISTDB MEMO You will then receive a file which gives more than ample information on all the nice things you can do with LDBASE (as mentioned in BioBit 12) (Note there in *NO* "." between LISTDB and MEMO... mainframe IBM is weird) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -=ROB=- %% Robert Harper %% HARPER@FINFUN %% HARPER@CC.HELSINKI.FI %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%