[bionet.general] Hello from New Zealand, Turkey, and Taiwan among others!

kristoff@GENBANK.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (05/26/90)

Mail continues to come in from around the globe in response to the
BIOSCI survey (total is now over 300 responses in about two days)
despite impending holidays).  New countries are appearing in the
header list daily.  When the BIONEWS/bionet.general readership survey
is over (I shall continue to collect mail for several weeks) I will
compile the results for you all to see.

However, please rest assured that your names and electronic addresses
will not be released to anyone nor will the results be used for
anything other than determining the readership level of BIOSCI (I
received a query about this issue earlier today.).  If this has made
you hesitate to respond, please don't be concerned.

Here is a sampling of a couple of the more interesting comments. Names
have been removed.  Note again that you need not say anything in
response to the survey, of course.  Just let us know that you are out
there.  My heartfelt thanks once again to those of you who have


				Dave Kristofferson
				GenBank On-line Service Manager



             Dear Kristoff;
        Yes, Biologists have more brains and they can handle computer
application and communication. Here it is; We are the Biology department
of Middle East Technical Universty (METU) ANKARA. As a department we
completely subscribed to many lists, including this one. All of the
members of this department (Profs+Drs+all others) intensively use this

To: D. Kristofferson,
        Dear Dave,
                the Dept. Of Molec. Genetics, Leiden university, the Netherlands
                has been in the BIOSCI network from the beginning.
                In addition to sending remarks and questions, we frequently
                relay news to dutch colleagues that are unable to join.
                The Network is very helpful and acts as a catalyst for modial
                cooperation and information exchange. It has to stay, we are
                more and more becoming dependent on its excellent service !!