kristoff@GENBANK.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (06/30/90)
As part of our summer membership drive we are offering a special incentive to those who either open a new account or renew their existing GenBank On-line Service (GOS) account. If we receive your completed application form with purchase order or payment ***before August 1, 1990***, we will extend your account renewal date by ***two extra months***. This gives you 14 months to access GOS instead of the usual 12. The offer also applies to existing GOS subscribers who renew their accounts early to take advantage of the two extra months of access. Also remember that it is now possible to share the cost of a GOS account with other users (although one individual must still be named as the responsible party for subscription fee payment and monitoring of the account). If you need an application for a new account, please send your regular mailing address to: If you need to renew or desire further information, please call GenBank at 415-962-7364. Sincerely, Dave Kristofferson GenBank On-line Service Manager Disclaimer: For those of you who may wonder about such things, this is not "commercial" advertising. GOS is funded by the National Institutes of Health, and GOS account fees go only to cover the costs of providing the service to our users.