[bionet.general] Phone Number Given Incorrectly for GA Course Info

DGOLDBER@UA1VM.UA.EDU ("Dave Goldberg ", dgoldber@ua1vm.ua.edu) (07/03/90)

For those of you seeking information regarding the five-day
short course entitled "Genetic Algorithms in Search,
Optimization, and Machine Learning" to be presented at Stanford
University's Western Institute in Computer Science on August 6-10,
the wrong phone number was given previously.  Contact Joleen Barnhill,
Western Institute in Computer Science, PO Box 1238, Magalia, CA 95954,

The course, presented by John Koza and myself, includes in-depth
coverage of GA mechanics, theory and application in search, optimization,
and machine learning.  Students will be encouraged to solve their own
problems in hands-on computer workshops monitored by the course
instructors.  New material on Walsh functions, Boltzmann tournament
selection, Koza's genetic programming, messy genetic algorithms (mGAs),
and the theory of real-coded GAs and virtual alphabets will be presented
in a classroom setting for the first time.  I hope to see some of you
there.  Dave Goldberg