[bionet.general] Re BIONET archives

HARPER%FINFUN@PUCC.PRINCETON.EDU ("Robert Harper ", Finland) (08/01/90)

You can run LDBASE from Bitnet sites to recover an INDEX of all the
entries entered into the BIOSCI lists at LISTSERV@IRLEARN
For example appended below is a SEARCH on the SUBJECT line from the
lists +METHODS and BIO+SOFT for the last couple of months.
You should be able to recover them from LISTSERV@IRLEARN by giving the
ITEM number.

You can do that either "interactively" using LDBASE or in BATCH mode
via MAIL. I have written more about LDBASE  in BIOBIT No 12
You can order it from NETSERV@EMBL if you have not already read it.
And I have given some instructions in the BIO-NAUT newsgroup on how to

Here is the information you wanted.

Item #   Date   Time  Recs   Subject
------   ----   ----  ----   -------
000119 90/07/02 11:02   24   Re: king-size-cloning
000120 90/07/02 10:05   30   Response rate survey on METHODS
000121 90/07/03 12:49   26   Reference Managers -
000122 90/07/03 15:17   23   Gi/Go Proteins
000123 90/07/04 12:54   56
000124 90/07/05 11:54   24   Re: Gi/Go Proteins
000125 90/07/05 10:17  172   Summary of Plasmid Rescue Responses
000126 90/07/06 16:12    9   larry
000127 90/07/04 18:02   30   DNA degradation by incubation at 70 C
000129 90/07/11 14:55   21   LONG PCR FRAGMENTS
000130 90/07/11 21:07   26   Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for Lead
000131 90/07/13 15:07   13   electroporation
000132 90/07/13 08:28   42   MPE-Fe footprinting
000133 90/07/15 05:02   52   Comprehensive Resources--the followup
000134 90/07/17 18:33   30   EGG vs. ABI sequencers: comments needed
000135 90/07/18 12:04   23   non-radioactive DNA detection
000136 90/07/18 14:43   11   Test
000137 90/07/19 15:43   23   alls not well that ends in wells
000138 90/07/21 01:05    9   test
000139 90/07/21 08:18   16   PCR reagent software
000140 90/07/23 11:47   26   DNA/Protein Binding Sites
000141 90/07/24 15:06   48   re: alls not well....
000142 90/07/24 15:28   50   re; non-radioactive DNA detection
000143 90/07/25 13:27   18   Vacuum blotting
000144 90/07/25 12:27   21   E. coli SURE strain
000145 90/07/26 10:17   20   MAST CELLS
000146 90/07/26 09:43   23   What `glue' to use for lectine colourings?
000147 90/07/26 12:44   32   DNA sequence reading techniques
000149 90/07/27 11:09   27   To: Peter McHardy
000150 90/07/27 08:50   50   electroporators
000151 90/07/27 13:37   20   pcr primer dimer help
000152 90/07/27 14:19   55   Re: DNA sequence reading techniques
000153 90/07/30 08:43   21   E. coli SURE strain, message 2.
000154 90/07/31 21:39   12   plaque lift
000155 90/07/31 21:50   11   phage lifts
000156 90/07/31 16:41   33   Bacteria and PCR
000157 90/08/01 14:02   34   Restricting while ligating

and here are the subjects for SEARCH Subject in BIO+SOFT
Item #   Date   Time  Recs   Subject
------   ----   ----  ----   -------
000244 90/07/11 11:07   23   DNA strider
000245 90/07/11 12:49   14   Public domain vs. Shareware
000246 90/07/11 15:13   38   Public domain vs. Shareware software
000247 90/07/11 23:43   41   Re: Public domain vs. Shareware software
000248 90/07/12 18:54   26   HyperFTP for networked Macs
000249 90/07/12 16:16   22   Re: Public domain vs. Shareware software
000251 90/07/17 00:01  415   Mailfasta
000252 90/07/17 20:19   15   MS-DOS unshar
000253 90/07/17 17:36  460   Mailfasta in the rerun
000254 90/07/20 13:25    8   MacPattern
000255 90/07/20 13:26   30   MacPattern
000256 90/07/20 15:17   26   Plasmid M<p
000257 90/07/20 20:27   26   Readseq is updated
000258 90/07/22 23:30   22   public domain molbio sw contributions requested
000259 90/07/22 23:25   37   new sw available from the UH server
000260 90/07/25 17:52   96   MBCRR Pattern Library v.4.0
000261 90/07/25 21:37   21   uploading/downloading w/ IRX on genbank?
000263 90/07/26 22:11   39   Re: uploading/downloading w/ IRX on genbank?
000264 90/07/27 10:41   40   Unix software from EMBL File Server
000265 90/07/27 11:31   24   Databases
000266 90/07/27 16:02   20   Re: Databases
000267 90/07/27 19:14   46   Gene Construction Kit -- Mac software
000268 90/07/29 21:17   20   PLSEARCH - DOS version?

Rob "at your service" Harper