[bionet.general] IMPORTANT - Pending BIOSCI newsgroup changes

kristoff@GENBANK.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (09/23/90)

Dear BIOSCI readers:

After our recent usage survey, the BIOSCI managers decided to do a bit
of pruning of inactive newsgroups.  The following changes will go into
effect on 31 October 1990 (Halloween 8-):

The following newsgroups will be closed due to lack of use:


The last two newsgroups (PIR and SWISS-PROT) will have their mailing
addresses redirected to the PROTEIN-ANALYSIS newsgroup in the event
that these older addressed are used by anyone.  The staff at both the
PIR and SWISS-PROT data banks have agreed to this change.  BIOSCI
users will still be able to post messages about these data banks to
the PROTEIN-ANALYSIS newsgroup.

If you have been a subscriber to either SWISS-PROT or PIR, but not to
PROTEIN-ANALYSIS, we urge you to request a subscription to the latter
newsgroup by sending your request to one of the following addresses
(NOT to this newsgroup, please!) depending upon your location:

Address					Location	Network
-------					--------	-------
biosci@irlearn.ucd.ie			Ireland		EARN/BITNET
biosci@uk.ac.daresbury			U.K.		JANET
biosci@bmc.uu.se			Sweden		Internet
biosci@genbank.bio.net			U.S.A. 		Internet/BITNET

As of November 1st, the new list of newsgroups will be as follows:

BBOARD NAME                  TOPIC
-----------                  -----
AGEING                       Scientific Interest Group
AGROFORESTRY                 Scientific Interest Group
BIONAUTS                     Address & other info about biologists on networks
BIONEWS                      General announcements of widespread
                                interest to biologists
BIO-JOURNALS                 Tables of Contents of biological journals
BIO-MATRIX                   Applications of computers to biological databases
BIO-SOFTWARE                 Information on software for the
                                biological sciences
EMBL-DATABANK                Messages to and from the EMBL database staff
EMPLOYMENT                   Job opportunities
GENBANK-BB                   Messages to and from the GenBank database staff
GENOMIC-ORGANIZATION         Scientific Interest Group
HUMAN-GENOME-PROGRAM         NIH-sponsored newsgroup on human genome issues
METHODS-AND-REAGENTS         Requests for information and lab reagents
MOLECULAR-EVOLUTION          Scientific Interest Group
POPULATION-BIOLOGY           Scientific Interest Group
PROTEIN-ANALYSIS             Scientific Interest Group
SCIENCE-RESOURCES            Information from/about the funding agencies


				Dave Kristofferson
				GenBank Manager
