[bionet.general] Forum for discussion of newsgroup/mail issues

kristoff@GENBANK.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (09/25/90)

I have received some mail from BIONEWS readers who are getting a
little overwhelmed with the mail about newsgroup issues, addressing
mail, etc.  After discussing this with the other BIOSCI managers, it
was pointed out by Rob Harper that these kinds of discussions are
probably better suited for the BIONAUTS (bionet.users.addresses)
newsgroup.  Please redirect any continuing flames/questions about how
it all works, etc., to that newsgroup.  The mailing addresses are

Address					Location	Network
-------					--------	-------
bio-naut@irlearn.ucd.ie                 Ireland         EARN/BITNET
bio-naut@uk.ac.daresbury                U.K.            JANET
bionauts@bmc.uu.se                      Sweden          Internet
bionauts@genbank.bio.net                U.S.A.          Internet/BITNET


				Dave Kristofferson
				GenBank Manager
