[bionet.general] GenBank Rel. 66 available from UH Gene-Server

dbd@THEORY.BCHS.UH.EDU (Dan Davison) (01/17/91)

GenBank Rel. 66 is now available on the UH Gene-Server.  Loci can be
retrieved by locus name or accession number.

To receive a locus by locus name, send the name (eg. INS1ECLAC) in a
"send locus " command,

        Subject: send locus INS1ECLAC

By accession number, say J01845,
        Subject: send accession J01845

More than one accession number or locus name can be put on a line,
"Subject: send locus foo bar baz bax" or "Subject: send accession
M12345 M23456 M34567" is legal.

To get started with the Gene-Server and to get a list of available
indices, send the command
        "Subject: help"

from the Internet or
from BITNET.

Keyword, author, and species retrieval is not yet ready, sorry!

dr. dan davison/dept. of biochemical and biophysical sciences/univ. of
Houston/4800 Calhoun/Houston,TX 77054-5500/davison@uh.edu/DAVISON@UHOU

Disclaimer: As always, I speak only for myself, and, usually, only to