VV VV II TTTTTT AA MM MMM MMM AA RRRRR II NN NNN AA VV VV II TT AAAA MMM MMM MM AAAA RR RR II NNN NN AAAA VVVV II TT AAAAAA MM MM MM AAAAAA RRRRR II NN NN AAAAAA VV II TT AA AA MM MM MM AA AA RR RR II NN NN AA AA GOES ABROAD VITA MARINA is a quarterly magazine on marine invertebrates, with emphasis on Mollusca. It is bilingual, english and dutch, well illustrated, very informative and of a very high quality. The first new-style issue (Vol 41 No. 1) is a review of the family PECTINIDAE (MOLLUSCA: BIVALVIA) of Europe. We invite all professional and amateur malacologists, marine biologists and other people interested in marine biology to reply for a free copy of Vita Marina. Please fill in the coupon and send it to: VITA MARINA P.O. Box 64628 2506 CA DEN HAAG The Netherlands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YES, please send me a free copy of VITA MARINA Name : ................................... Address: ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------