harnad@elbereth.rutgers.edu (Stevan Harnad) (03/25/91)
Below is the abstract of a forthcoming target article to appear in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS), an international, interdisciplinary journal that provides Open Peer Commentary on important and controversial current research in the biobehavioral and cognitive sciences. Commentators must be current BBS Associates or nominated by a current BBS Associate. To be considered as a commentator on this article, to suggest other appropriate commentators, or for information about how to become a BBS Associate, please send email to: harnad@clarity.princeton.edu or harnad@pucc.bitnet or write to: BBS, 20 Nassau Street, #240, Princeton NJ 08542 [tel: 609-921-7771] To help us put together a balanced list of commentators, please give some indication of the aspects of the topic on which you would bring your areas of expertise to bear if you are selected as a commentator. ____________________________________________________________________ AGE PREFERENCES IN MATES REFLECT SEX DIFFERENCES IN HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE STRATEGIES Douglas T. Kenrick Richard C. Keefe atdtk@asuacad.bitnet keefe@scc.bitnet Department of Psychology Department of Psychology Arizona State University Scottsdale College Tempe AZ 85287 Keywords: mate selection, gender differences, life history strategies, evolution, sexual selection, social exchange, similarity, attraction ABSTRACT: The finding that women are attracted to men older than themselves whereas men are attracted to relatively younger women has been explained by social psychologists in terms of economic exchange rooted in traditional sex-role norms. An alternative evolutionary model suggests that males and females follow different reproductive strategies and predicts a more complex relationship between gender and age preferences. In particular, males' preferences for relatively younger females should be minimal during mating years but should become more pronounced as the male gets older. Young females are expected to prefer somewhat older males during their early years and to change less as they age. We briefly review relevant theory and present results of six studies testing this prediction. Study 1 finds support for this gender-differentiated prediction in age preferences expressed in personal advertisements. Study 2 supports the prediction with marriage statistics from two U.S. cities. Study 3 examines cross-generational robustness of the phenomenon and finds the same patter in marriage statistics from 1923. Study 4 replicates Study 1 using matrimonial advertisements from two European countries and India. Study 5 finds a consistent pattern in marriages recorded from 1913 through 1939 on a small island in the Phillipines. Study 6 reveals the same pattern in singles advertisements placed by financially successful American women and men. We consider the implications of previous normative and evolutionary explanations of age preferences and discuss the advantages of expanding previous models to include the life history perspective. -- Stevan Harnad INTERNET: harnad@confidence.princeton.edu harnad@princeton.edu srh@flash.bellcore.com harnad@elbereth.rutgers.edu harnad@princeton.uucp BITNET: harnad@pucc.bitnet CSNET: harnad%princeton.edu@relay.cs.net (609)-921-7771