[bionet.general] Proposal for new BIOSCI newsgroup: CYTOMETRY

kristoff@GENBANK.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) (04/27/91)

We have received a proposal for a CYTOMETRY newsgroup to be added to
BIOSCI.  The description follows below.  If you are in favor of such a
newsgroup, please mail a short message saying

yes on cytometry

to any of the following addresses:

Address                               Location        Network
-------                               --------        -------
biovote@irlearn.ucd.ie                Ireland         EARN/BITNET
biovote@uk.ac.daresbury               U.K.            JANET
biovote@bmc.uu.se                     Sweden          Internet
biovote@genbank.bio.net               U.S.A.          Internet/BITNET

To create the newsgroup, we will need to receive at least 40 yes votes
within 60 days.  Voting will close when the 40 votes are received or
on 25 June 1991, whichever comes first.


				Dave Kristofferson
				GenBank Manager



The editor of our journal Cytometry, Brian H. Mayall M.D. has written
a short description of the proposed function of the new newsgroup:

CYTOMETRY is being established as an international electronic
information exchange newsgroup.

Users are all with interests in analytical cytology and in measuring
and characterizing individual cells and cellular components. This
newsgroup will initially be established for the members of the
International Society for Analytical Cytology, but is open to all. It
complements the society's journal, Cytometry. Topics embrace all
aspects of image cytometry and flow cytometry, including
instrumentation, specimen preparation, probe development, data
analysis, standards and quality control, clinical applications,
operator certification, etc.

The primary function of the group is rapid dissemination
and exchange of information, which includes on-line discussion
of relevant topics, specific queries and answers, critiques of
products and techniques, and announcements of meetings, job
opportunities, and new products.

Brian H. Mayall will act as the discussion leader for the newsgroup
while Damir Sudar will be the contact person.

We suggest that this will not be a moderated newsgroup as we want
free discussions. We will publicize the newsgroup to the members
of ISAC through the newsletter and an editorial in the journal.

kelley@aclcb.purdue.edu (Steve Kelley) (04/28/91)

In article <CMM.0.88.672721221.kristoff@genbank.bio.net>, kristoff@GENBANK.BIO.NET (Dave Kristofferson) writes:
>We have received a proposal for a CYTOMETRY newsgroup to be added to
>BIOSCI.  The description follows below.  If you are in favor of such a
>newsgroup, please mail a short message saying

I'd like to remind people that there is already an Internet mailing list
for cytometry.  If the newsgroup is created, I would be happy to help
gateway between it and the mailing list.

To join the mailing list, send a note to:

Steve Kelley            kelley@flowcyt.cyto.purdue.edu

Cancer Center Cytometry Laboratories        (317) 494-8638  -- voice
B050 Hansen LSRB, Purdue University         (317) 494-0517  -- fax
West Lafayette, Indiana, 47907