[bionet.general] LDBASE searches for mRNA...

harper@csc.fi (06/03/91)

It seems that I was writing BioBit's before lots of people got 
onto the BioSci network. Rather than send out copies to 
everyone who has asked... you can find BioBit No 12 dealing 
with LDBASE operation on NIC.FUNET.FI ( via anonymous ftp. 
You should find them in the directory /pub/sci/molbio/biobit.

Here is a session to answer Mike's question about mRNA. There 
are 11 hits on mRNA, and a couple of items do not have a title
(make sure you put good titles in any messages you send to 
BioSci... it helps when doing searches.)

 Terve Roope.

**************   CLIP **************
$ @ldb
%DCL-S-SPAWNED, process HARPER_1 spawned
?  short help
$  to issue dcl commands
*  for list of databases (LISTSERV 1.5n or later)
^Z to leave and/or switch listservers
@<filename>: send contents of file <filename>.
Creating mailbox and subprocess...
start? [Y]
db>search mRNA in +methods
Search started...
--> Database +METHODS, 11 hits.

Item #   Date   Time  Recs   Subject
------   ----   ----  ----   -------
000306 90/12/22 14:23   17
000312 91/01/07 15:16   23   Help me in in vitro translations
000313 91/01/08 15:19   27   Help me in IN VITRO TRANSLATIONS
000383 91/03/04 04:26   25   Help: RNA extraction from Gram Positives
000385 91/03/04 19:54   30   Re: Help: RNA extraction from Gram Positives
000402 91/03/11 12:19    9   .
000436 91/04/04 13:55   22   Eukaryotic Stop Codon Usage
000461 91/04/29 09:49   36   Reverse Transcription and PCR
000500 91/05/28 15:04   64   Re: Better methods for PolyA+ please
000507 91/05/29 20:52   25   I would appreciate mRNA isolation advice
000513 91/05/30 18:03   25   Is there an archive of .methds-reagnts

**********************    END   *******************