[bionet.general] A NIH-Guide Reading Program for VAX/VMS

smith@mcclb0.med.nyu.edu (06/13/91)

Announcing V1.0 of the NIH-Guide Reading Program

      We have developed an NIH-Guide reading program for VAX/VMS.  Its
purpose is to provide a user-friendly tool to browse the NIH-Guide for Grants 
and Contracts, as distributed electronically via BITNET.  It is designed to
allow the NIH-Guide database to be updated automatically as new Guide
information is distributed, allowing administrative overhead for database
management to be significantly reduced. 

      The program consists of two main components: The Guide-Reading program
itself, and the Guide-Formatting program. The Guide-Reading program is the
component used to browse the Guide.  This program reads the guide database and
presents the Guide items for inspection.  The program is driven by single
key-strokes using programmed keys on the VT100 or VT200-style keyboard. The
user can print items of interest on a convenient printer. 

      The Guide-Formatting program is meant to be run in a batch queue.  This
program takes the incoming mail to the NIH Guide 'user' and processes it to
update the NIH-Guide information database.  The updating of the Guide is
therefore achieved automatically, without user intervention. 

      The software is available free of charge from our MAILSERVer.  To get 
it, send mail to MAILSERV@MCCLB0.MED.NYU.EDU with the following lines in the 
body of the message:


The distribution will be mailed to you.  Follow the instructions at the 
begining of the first mailed message: the distribution is in a VMS_SHARE
archive.  You should note that the program makes heavy use of VMS system
services, and is not suitable for a port to UNIX, as yet: A SHAR archive will 
be available for anonymous/FTP for those interested in getting started, 

      If you would like to test the package before installing it, AND you
have access to TELNET, please contact us and we will tell you how to log in
to our VAX to run the program. 

      The development of these programs owes much to the help of people who 
called or mailed comments on what they saw during the testing phase of 
development: particular thanks to Foteos Macrides for many detailed reports
which were key to resolving significant problems. 

Contacts:  smith@mcclb0.med.nyu.edu       SMITH@NYUMED.BITNET 
           gottesman@mcclb0.med.nyu.edu   GOTTESMAN@NYUMED.BITNET

|Ross Smith, Cell Biology,  NYU Medical Center,  550 First Ave.,  NYC, 10016|