SYEH@BIONET-20.BIO.NET (Spencer Yeh) (12/01/88)
Dear Bionet Users, Donald Roufa and Douglas Rhoads have supplied BIONET with an updated version of their SEQAID II PC program for DNA and protein sequence analysis for inclusion in the BIONET Lending Library of contributed software. Version 3.10 is a minor modification of version 3.0 that has alterations to the module which locates reading frames by codon bias. Slight changes have been made to the calculation of frame probability scores which, in most cases, do not affect the interpretation of results. The output has also been clarified and the literature reference included for this module. Below I'm including information about version 3.0 which still applies to version 3.1, and information for obtaining this public domain software. Sincerely, Spencer Yeh Internet: Applications Analyst (for BIONET issues) BIONET (415) 324-4363 ------ Some of the NEW features of version 3.0 include: 1. The capability of extracting sequences out of a GenBank floppy disk release. (GenBank must be obtained separately). 2. A very nice module for creating codon bias tables from a set of exons or cDNAs, and then using the codon bias tables to look for possible coding regions in DNA sequences. This module creates codon bias tables in human-readable form, as well as in the computer-readable form needed by the program. The infomation appended below is from the on-line help topic HELP SEQAID contained in the file BC:SEQAID.HLP on BIONET: SEQAID II (version 3.0) September 1988 Donald Roufa and D.D. Rhoads ("readme.doc" added 9/14/88 by Spencer Yeh) INTRODUCTION SEQAID II is a multifunctional PC program for DNA and protein sequence analysis. Functions include editing, extracting sequences from a GenBank floppy disk release (not provided), dot matrix comparison, fragment sizer, base composition, translations, protein structure and hydropathicity, restriction site search, and locating potential exons by codon bias. CONTACT ADDRESS For questions about the program or suggestions for future improvements please contact: Donald J. Roufa and D.D. Rhoads Division of Biology Ackert Hall Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506 tel.: (913) 532-6641 e-mail: or SYSTEMS SUPPORTED An IBM-compatible computer running MS-DOS (2.1 or greater) is needed. The program requires at least 175K internal memory for the program plus space for sequence files. A total of 640K should be sufficient for most users. AVAILABILITY SEQAID II is available from the BIONET Lending Library. Please send a stamped, self-addressed return envelope along with a formatted MS-DOS diskette (5 1/4" or 3 1/2") with your request to: BIONET Administrator 700 East El Camino Real Mountain View, CA 94040 tel.: (415) 962-7300 DISKETTE FILES README.DOC This documentation file SEQAIDFD.EXE Self-extracting archive of SEQAID II files SEQAIDII.NEW Release notes for version 3.0 INSTALL.DOC Installation instructions STARTING THE PROGRAM Please read the file INSTALL.DOC for installation instructions. The SEQAID II package must be first de-archived. Once the files are successfully dearchived, the user manual for SEQAID will be found in the "README" file. It is recommended that the user copy the program files to hard disk so that more disk space will be available to the program. RELEASE NOTES FOR VERSION 3.0 ("SEQAIDII.NEW") S E Q A I D I I Version 3.0 ============================ D.D. Rhoads and D.J. Roufa Division of Biology Kansas State University An upgraded release of the SEQAIDII DNA Sequence analysis software package has been posted in the BIONET Software Lending Library. Version 3.0, contains several new modules and enhanced functions. In addition, a couple of subtle malfunctions in the code (bugs??) have been corrected. New features include a gateway to the GenBank database (floppy disk release) and a user-friendly interface to search and extract genetic data from the database. As supplied, SEQAIDII accesses floppy disk versions of GenBank, Release 55.0 and earlier. Included is a utility, GBHEADER.EXE, which permits users to modify the GenBank format file, HDR550.GBK, to accomodate future floppy disk releases. As implemented, SEQAIDII accesses floppy disk releases of GenBank either segmented on diskettes or combined in a subdirectory of the user's harddisk. SEQAIDII version 3.0 contains a new module that scans anonymous nucleic acid sequences for potential protein coding regions based upon codon useage frequencies. The module permits the user to construct and amplify required codon bias tables from appropriate nucleic acid sequences (cDNAs or spliced exon sequences) and to save the tables to disk. SEQAIDII suggests a default filename (CODON.USE) for codon bias table files; but the user can accumulate multiple codon bias table files (perhaps one for each species of interest) by specifying a unique filename for each. Version 3.0 now can be customized to implement variant genetic codes, such as used in mitochondrial DNAs, to alter amino acid one- and three-letter abbreviations, and to edit values for amino acid residue physical data used to generate hydropathicity and antigenicity plots, reverse translations, and polypeptide molecular weights. Enhanced features include the ability to view ASCII data disk files from within the SEQAIDII environment and customization of the sequence entry interface. SEQAIDII version 3.0 is supplied as a self-extracting archive file, SEQAIDFD.EXE (for GenBank 'F'loppy 'D'isk releases). When GenBank implements a CD-ROM release format, as currently being planned, the authors will post a version of SEQAIDII that accomodates the new GenBank database format (SEQAIDCD.EXE). Watch for future announcements regarding the availability of SEQAIDCD.EXE. ================================= ------- -------