From: Sunil Sreedharan <EGOETZL.SREEDHAR@BIONET-20.ARPA> 2 - 3 year postdoctoral fellowship available in a laboratory investigating the characteristics of leukocyte receptors for leukotriene mediators of hypersensitivity and inflamation. Isolation and characterization of receptor proteins, mapping by moloclonal antibodies of the antigenic domains of the receptor proteins and analysis of the interactions of leukotriene receptors with guanine nucleotide-binding proteins. This fellowship is to begin on or after 1 July 1988. Salary is set according to prior relevant experience. Please respond with a resume to: Kate/ UCSF/ Div. of Allergy and Immunology/ U-426/ Box 0724/ San Francisco/ CA 94143-0724 -------