PMT@DLGM.DARESBURY.AC.UK (Postmaster) (01/20/89)
Date: 9-JAN-1989 10:04:37 GMT From: RAY@UK.AC.LEICESTER To: biojobs@UK.AC.DL Sender: JANET"RAY@UK.AC.LEICESTER" (Raymond Dalgleish) X-Telephone: (0533) 523425 X-Address: Department of Genetics, University of Leicester, X-Address: University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH. UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Applications are invited immediately for an 18 month appointment funded by Action Research for the Crippled Child. (A further period of support will be sought for a suitable successful candidate.) The project concerns the isolation of collagen cDNA clones for use in the investigation of inherited human connective tissue disorders. The successful candidate will join a group of six and will be experienced in some or all of the following areas: RNA isolation, construction and screening of cDNA libraries, RNase A protection mapping, cell culture, PCR amplification, Southern and Northern blotting, computing. Applicants should possess a Ph.D. in a relevant subject. Starting salary will be in the range 8,675 to 11,680 pounds on the research associate scale. Informal enquiries may be made to Dr. Raymond Dalgleish on (0533) 523425. Applications, including a c.v. and the names of two referees should be sent to:- Dr. R. Dalgleish, Department of Genetics, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH, U.K. as soon as possible.