DBK@aberystwyth.ac.uk (02/16/89)
University College of Wales, Aberystwyth Department of Biological Sciences PHYSICISTS BIOCHEMISTS BIOPHYSICISTS PHYSICAL CHEMISTS COMPUTER SCIENTISTS APPLIED MATHEMATICIANS SENIOR POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER A position is available under the Wolfson Research Awards Scheme to work on the development of 2-dimensional dielectric spectroscopy. The successful candidate would have an interest and experience in interdisciplinary problems and in the programming and use of Personal Computers. In the first instance, the project would involve the construction and adaptation of appropriate software for obtaining and manipulating 2-D dielectric spectra. This would be the world's first such system. Subsequently the system would be used for the characterisation of a variety of specific proteins and microorganisms, and the use of such a system as a generic biosensor (see Kell, D.B. in Biosensors - fundamentals and applications, ed. A.P.F. Turner, I. Karube & G.S. Wilson, OUP, 1987, pp. 427-468). This post is available for 3 years at a point up to SCP8 ( xxxxx p.a.) on the PDRA 1A scale ( xxxxx - xxxxx p.a.). There is no specific closing date for this post, but suitably qualified candidates are urged to make their interest and availability known as soon as possible. Please send your CV and the names of 2 referees to Dr Douglas B. Kell, Dept of Biological Sciences, University College of Wales, ABERYSTWYTH, Dyfed SY23 3DA, UK. Informal enquiries, in confidence, may be directed to me on +44 970 623111 ext 3055 (phone), +44 970 617172 (FAX) or via BITNET (DBK@UK.AC.ABERYSTWYTH).