[bionet.jobs] Applications For Cell/Molecular Biology & Biotechnology Training

GRAZIAWD@snyplava.bitnet ("William D. Graziadei") (11/01/90)

Date sent:  31-OCT-1990 11:06:21


                          COURSE DESCRIPTION


In response to the growing shortage of cell culture and biotechnology
technical personnel required by research, clinical, and commercial
laboratories, an undergraduate, graduate and continuing education program
in In Vitro Cell Biology and Biotechnology was established in 1983 by the
Department of Biological Sciences, State University of New York at
Plattsburgh in conjunction with The William H. Miner Agricultural Research
Institute, Chazy, NY.

The IVCBB program utilizes the principles and techniques of both plant and
animal organ, tissue, and cell culture as well as biotechnology to teach the
students concepts in Cell/ Molecular Biology and to provide them with
marketable skills.  The students live at the Institute and are totally
immersed in the program for 10-12 hours a day, 5-7 days a week for a full
semester (700 hrs; 16 weeks).  The emphasis is on laboratory work supple-
mented by lectures that cover both the theoretical and practical principles
taught in the laboratory.  The daily laboratory exercises are accumulative
and overlapping and therefore force the student to develop organizational
skills.  Some 35 faculty are drawn from SUNY staff as well as adjunct
faculty from national and international universities and research

Some of the major areas covered in this program include: initiation and
maintenance of a wide variety of plant and animal organ, tissue, and cell
cultures, rapid clonal plant propagation, protoplastology, electrofusion,
electroporation, cell separation and cloning, somatic cell hybridization
as well as other gene transfer systems, recombinant DNA technology
including isolation of high molecular weight DNA and mRNA, restriction
enzyme analysis, cDNA synthesis, nick translation, transformation, plasmid
and phage cloning, large-scale growth and identification by Northern and
Southern blotting, in vitro translation.  Specialty areas include micro-
scopy and photomicroscopy, microcomputers, cryopreservation, immunobiology,
virology, monoclonal antibody technology, toxicity screening, and secondary
products, e.g., pigment production in plant and interferon in animal cell

In addition, students are required to compose and initiate an independent
research proposal in the plant area and are also given an independent
animal cell research project.  Weekly seminars or oral laboratory progress
reports are given by the students.  These further help to develop a level
of confidence and independence in the skills, as well as interactive
qualities, necessary for the planning and successful trustworthy completion
of laboratory research.

The IVCBB residency semester program is open to all students nationally and
internationally on a competitive basis. The IVCBB Program is CERTIFIED by the
American Tissue Culture Association, Inc. Course requirements are: Biology,
Microbiology, Molecular Genetics, Cell Biology, Botany and/or Plant Physi-
ology, Biochemistry, and Statistics.

For additional information and application materials, please contact:
Dr. William D. Graziadei, Coordinator, In Vitro Cell Biology and Biotechnology
Program, W. H. Miner Research Institute, Miner Center, Chazy NY 12921, Tel No.
(518) 8467144,  Fax No. (518) 564-7827,  Bitnet ID GRAZIAWD@SNYPLAVA.BITNET.


                           IVCBB PROGRAM COSTS



      In State:          $ 675.00 Tuition
                         $  12.50 College Fee
                         $  55.00 Student Association Fee

                         $ 742.50 Total In State Tuition & Fees

  Out of State:          $2350.00 Tuition
                         $  12.50 College Fee
                         $  55.00 Student Association Fee

                         $2417.50 Total Out of State Tuition & Fees

ROOM & BOARD:            $1250.00 /semester includes room plus
                                   10 meals per week.


      In State:          $1992.50

  Out of State:          $3667.50



      In State:          $  45.85 /credit hour (times 15 credit hours)

  Out of State:          $ 157.85 /credit hour (times 15 credit hours)

BOOKS & SUPPLIES         $ 300.00 (estimate)

Non-matriculating continuing education students are not covered by either
University or Institute health insurance plans and therefore, should make
appropriate arrangements.


        *            William D. Graziadei, Ph.D., Director            *
        *        In Vitro Cell Biology & Biotechnology Program        *
        *         State University of New York at Plattsburgh         *
        *             William H. Miner Research Institute             *
        *                 Chazy, New York  12921-0100                 *
        *            BITNET ID: GRAZIAWD@SNYPLAVA.BITNET              *
        * Tel No: (518) 846-7144       Fax No: (518) 846-7144  Ext 40 *